Chapter 19 - The Wrong Profession

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Juna slowly and sleepily opened her eyes. Warm sun was streaming through the window that took up an entire wall. Her eyes drifted shut again momentarily before she became aware that she could hear a heartbeat which wasn't her own.
Lifting her head slightly, she looked up to see George Weasley fast asleep beside her. They were side by side on her couch, squeezed up close to fit, wit her head resting on his chest which moved up and down with his slow steady breaths. His red hair gleamed like fire in the morning sun and his eyes flickered beneath their lids as he dreamed.

Steadily and carefully, Juna raised her body up and shifted away from him. She stood now, staring down at the handsome man on her couch. Never in her entire life had she slept next to a guy without having sex with him. This was new and different and she didn't hate it.
A small smile crept onto her face as she made her way to the bathroom. She took a quick shower before making sure to smooth her long blonde hair down and applying a thin layer of mascara. Did she wake up like this? No. But George didn't have to know that.

After a spritz of perfume and dressing in leggings and loose shirt, Juna crept back out to the kitchen. George was still asleep on the couch, his head lolled to one side and his lips parted slightly.
She pulled out the two mugs with the green vines he had given her a while ago and brewed them both a cup of coffee. Soon enough, the delicious smell of caffeine stirred George from his sleep.

"Do I smell coffee?" He murmured as he raised a hand to his eyes, rubbing them.

"It is."

"Gimme." He extended his hands out in front of him, grasping at thin air as he got off the couch.

Juna slid the mug toward him from the opposite side of the kitchen island. George wrapped his large hands around the cup and took a big sip.

"These are the cups I got you." He smiled as he noticed.

"I use them every day."

"As you should." George winked playfully at her.

"Twat." Juna laughed.

The two of them took another sip as they enjoyed the sun and each other's presence for a moment.

"Did you sleep ok?" She asked.

"Yeah. Yes, I slept really well actually. You have a very comfortable couch."

"I know."

George rolled his eyes but smiled anyway.
"So, uh... what are you up to today?"

Juna's heart sunk as she realised she would have to go into work. She had just assassinated one of Perseus's top men mere hours ago, there was no way she could avoid going in to debrief with Jack.

"I have to go to work."

"But it's the weekend!"

"George, you open the shop on Saturdays."

He shut his mouth for a moment realising that this was indeed true.
"Well, yes. But that's the beauty of being a boss, you can do whatever the hell you want. If I want a day off I'll take it." He said proudly.

"I'm not a boss though, I can't do that."

He nodded looking slightly sad.
"You know... you never did tell me what you do. You're not an Auror, so..."

Juna sighed and moved to wash her now empty mug in the sink.
"You know I can't tell you."

"Oh come on, Juna! I won't be able to think of anything else until I know."

"Sounds like a you problem." She smiled at him half-heartedly.
"Don't go sniffing around though. You'll get yourself killed."

"Fine." He crossed his arms. "How about this, you go to dinner with me tonight and I stop asking for now."

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