Chapter 45 - A New Scar

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Muffled voices and vague movement surrounded Juna for what felt like eternity. Try as she might, she couldn't open her eyes, move, or talk for a very long time. What had happened up until this point was fuzzy, she wasn't sure how much time had passed but what she was sure of is that this was caused by Perseus. She remembered the evil glint in his dark eyes and his snarling voice moments before she blacked out. She also remembered George's voice, in fact she felt like she could still hear it.

Slowly but surely, the fog in her brain lifted and was immediately replaced by an aching pain down her front. It was painful enough to get her eyes open. Blinking slowly at first then more quickly so she could see, Juna found herself in a familiar room. It took a second to realise the cracked white roof she was looking at belonged inside the MIU. Panicking slightly, she tried to sit up and look around, but the pain in her stomach was too much.

"Hey! Don't move, just relax." Came a soothing voice from beside her.

Juna became aware of someone holding her hand, their thumb running over her knuckles to calm her. She instantly knew the voice belonged to George. This caused her to only panic more as she realised this meant George was inside the MIU, this wasn't a good thing.

"George-" Juna croaked.
Her throat was dry and felt like sandpaper when she tried to talk.

"Here." George held a straw to her lips and encouraged her to take sips of water that he held in a glass. Greedily, she gulped the water down.

"Not too much! You'll be sick." He chuckled, pulling the straw away.

Nevertheless, it was enough to take the dryness away so she could talk easier.
"George, get out of here." She whispered, trying to turn her head to look at him for the first time since she awoke.

With effort, she finally got her head to turn and her eyes fell upon him. She was shocked to see he was completely covered in dry blood, his eyes were red and his hair a mess.
"Who's blood is that?" She gasped.

George smiled sadly.
"Yours. And I'm not leaving, not until you're feeling better."

Juna's mouth fell open slightly taking in his clothes. There was so much blood on him and it was all hers? With a shaking hand and a huge amount of exerted effort, she raised her arm and placed it gingerly on her bare stomach where it was hurting, vaguely aware that she had only a bra on.
Her fingers traced the familiar ugly, raised scar that ran from her belly button to her left armpit, but about halfway down this scar where her ribs started, a new one had appeared. This one crossed directly over the old one, starting underneath her right breast and ending at her left hip.

Her heart beat faster and adrenaline began to course through her body making it easier to move.
"What the fuck happened?"

"It was Perseus, he attacked you and you were bleeding out but I- no! Don't try to get up."
George pushed her gently back onto the hard table underneath her, placing her head back on a rolled up jacket they were using as a makeshift pillow.

"I need to find him, I need to- no hold on, why are we even here? Why are you at the MIU? You need to get out of here. Have you seen Jack? Oh fucking hell don't tell me my fathers been here."

"Slow down, Juna. You lost a lot of blood. You need to take it easy."

"Oh my god- Fred! We need to find him!"

Everything was started to come back to her now. The memory of Perseus admitting he had been disguised as Fred this entire time and that Fred was probably dead by now flashed across the forefront.
She managed to hoist herself into a sitting position with her legs dangling off the side of the table. It caused immeasurable pain and her face screwed up tightly, clenching her jaw to try not to groan in agony.

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