Chapter 58 - Proof

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Wood against tile clattered noisily as Ara struggled to get out of the ropes the twins had cast around her as Juna, George and Fred stared at her - amused, but unsure of what to do next.

"You're the expert, Juna. Do something." Fred said as he gestured to Ara.

Juna scoffed.
"Me? You two were more than happy to tie her up, what makes you think I'm an expert?"

"Do you not do this weird crap for a living?" Fred raised an eyebrow.

She paused.
"Yeah, ok. You've got me there."

Juna started pacing, rolling the predicament over in her mind. These twins had finally lost it. She had left not even an hour ago before being summoned back to clean up their mess. What on earth were they thinking essentially kidnapping a woman on nothing but a hunch? If they couldn't prove it, this could get them thrown in prison.

The three of them convened to the lounge room to ensure they stayed out of ear shot of Ara who was still struggling against the ropes.

"So do you have proof? Can you get proof? Of this potion magic, whatever the fuck it is?"

"Tenent Insitum Amori."

"Yes that one, George. Now answer me, can you get proof?"

George and Fred looked at each other, trying to remember.
"I think we should be able to scrape her skin, test what is on there."

"Scrape her skin?"
Juna was slightly alarmed. She hadn't come here to flay anyone.

"I mean with like a butter knife or something, just scrape the top of her skin gently, it'll collect her dead skin cells and whatever else is on the surface. It won't hurt her." George assured. "I have a book that has instructions on how to test something for magical traces and what they are."

"Great! Well you figure out what you need to do that and I'm going to go have a little chat with her." Juna stared at the two of them who didn't move.
"Off you go!" She shooed them off to get started on whatever they had in mind.

Once they had gone downstairs into their shop to find the book, Juna turned to Ara who was narrowing her eyes at her, her hair covering half her face making her look insane. With her shoulders square and a smirk on her face, Juna walked calmly over to the black haired girl, helping herself to a chair a safe distance from any stray kicks and such.

"So! Ara, you have been quite the little bitch, haven't you?"

"Fuck you. Let me out of these." She spoke through gritted teeth, tugging at the ropes around her wrists.

"I will! I definitely will... Once you've told me everything you know about Perseus."

"I've already told you I don't know what that is!"

Juna tutted and leaned slightly closer, lowering her voice menacingly.
"And I know that you're fucking lying."

She didn't, but like the twins - she had a hunch. She had quickly learned in her line of work it was easier to pretend you knew more than you did to get them to talk.

Ara glared directly into Juna's eyes, still struggling in vain.
"Prove it."

"I intend to!" She smiled brightly. "Are you familiar with the three unforgivable curses, Ara?"

Ara immediately stopped struggling and gaped up at her.
"You wouldn't..."

"I certainly would." Juna smiled and spun her wand lazily in her fingers.

She couldn't deny that sometimes, when she really had something against a captive, she thoroughly enjoyed toying with them. They were sick mind games and often it made Juna feel queasy later on about how much she didn't care about their cries and pleas, but in the moment it felt... good.

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