Chapter 66 - It's Ok Not To Know

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The rest of the evening went by amicably, aside from the odd dagger-filled stare from Bill, but Juna quickly learned to ignore it. He went to bed quite early, as a surprise to nobody. Everyone else let her slot into their dynamic like the missing piece to their puzzle.

Juna didn't know that this is what family could be like. Having a mum and dad who didn't love, or even like her, was one thing, but she never even had friends who could help her understand the dynamics of healthy relationships or what love looked like. Not even Audrey. Looking around - joy was stuck to everyone's faces, love filled the room, and belonging enveloped them all.

She sat wedged between Fred and Ginny on the three seater couch in the Weasley's living room. George was sitting off to the side in an armchair, speaking to Harry as they joked and laughed together. Juna's eyes kept falling to him, he was so effortlessly magnetic. Running his hands through his hair when it fell into his eyes, the small dimples that made an appearance when he smiled particularly large, his hazel eyes sparkling at anyone he looked at.
Music only she could hear seemed to play whenever they made eye contact through the chatter.

"Can you stop eye-fucking my brother when you're sitting right next to me please." Fred said next to her ear, making her jump.

"Not my problem the wrong twin is sitting next to me, Fred."

He scoffed and shoved her with his elbow, causing her to fall against Ginny, who promptly responded by reaching around Juna and clipping Fred around the back of the head.
Juna quickly stood and vacated the couch as an all out brawl begun over the top of her. Ginny had Fred around the shoulders and was flattening him into the couch as the rest of their siblings cheered them on.

"Hey! That's not fair! I only have nine fingers!" Fred was shouting.

"I could have zero fingers and still beat you to a pulp." Ginny hissed pressing her knee into his chest.

"Yeah of course you would, because then you'd just have two fists for punching. Common sense, Ginny." Fred struggled under her knee but to no avail. It seemed being a pro Quidditch player made her a lot stronger than her brothers.

"You two! That's enough!" Now Molly had bustled in with a tea-towel and was whipping the pair of them as they scrambled to seperate and break free of her wrath.

Juna backed up to the chair George was sitting in to escape the fray. He wrapped an arm around her hips and pulled her down into his lap. She looked around in surprise and slight embarrassment, not knowing if the Weasley's were aware of how deep their friendship ran. But when no one batted an eye, she relaxed into George's chest and accepted a quick kiss to the top of her head with a smile.

Drinks flowed, wrestling matches went on - when Molly wasn't looking, and banter raged on until one by one, everyone retreated to bed with full tummy's and staggering slightly under the alcohol consumed. Soon, all that was left was Juna, George and Fred.

Currently, Fred was demonstrating with a pillow just how he would bash Perseus's face in as George gave pointers and Juna laughed.

"More knuckle, Fred. Really put your weight behind it." George instructed.

"Heel of your palm, straight up into the nose." Juna pointed out. "Yep, just like that."

"I can't wait to actually do this to him in a week." Fred panted as he finally sat back and left the pillow alone.

"You really think you'll be able to get close enough?" George asked with a raised brow.

"The prick can try me. What's he going to do? Take another finger?"

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