Chapter 12 - A Gift

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Juna didn't bother going into work the next day. If they had nothing for her and refused to train her - she was taking the day off.
It was nice to lay in bed for a little while and look out the window at the world below her. The brown and black roof's shimmered in the morning rays and she caught glimpses of vehicles and tiny people making their way to wherever they were going.
Her mind wandered to the note George had sent her last night asking her to come by his shop. She could almost feel excitement for it, but more of an emotional numbness settled over her soul since she returned from work yesterday. Which was fine, it did make her life easier.

She slid out of bed before showering and changing into her workout gear of leggings and a loose tank top over a bralette - she decided she would go running after she saw George.
She slipped her wand in the waistband of her leggings and pulled the tank over to hide it.
Her blonde hair was pulled up into a ponytail that tumbled down her back, she looked good as always.

After only a few minutes of walking, Juna came to the store 'Weasley's Wizard Wheezes'. It was still rather early so the shop only had 2 or 3 people inside which was perfect.
She stepped inside, hearing a bell tinkle above her and the smell of fireworks and sweets filled her nose.

"Wow you're here early! Figured you would have work or something." George came smiling widely from the back of the brightly coloured shop.

"No, day off." She said as she inspected some of the products she had not got to see yet. It was wild some the stuff these Weasley's have come up with.
"Was going to go for a run. What was it you wanted to show me?"

"Ah! One second." He disappeared back into the depths of the shop leaving Juna standing awkwardly by herself.

"You must be the famous blonde George keeps disappearing with." Came a strikingly familiar voice.

Juna turned to see George. But... No, it wasn't George.
"You must be Fred." She decided.

"That I am. The better looking twin." He jested with a puffed out chest.

Juna looked him up and down.
"Hmm... no I don't think so."

Fred and his smugness faltered a little but he recovered swiftly. 
"He warned us of that too, but I can take a bit of banter if you can."

Juna said nothing, only shrugging at the identical twin of George and turned to inspect a display of 'Extendable Ears'. She was quietly impressed, something like this could actually be very useful for an organisation such as the MIU, she wondered if they had ever been approached by them or the Ministry.

Just then, George returned looking pleased with himself holding out two mugs.
"Ta-da!" He exclaimed.

Juna and Fred looked at him with equally confused faces.

George's smile slipped a tiny amount.
"Bugger off, Fred. This doesn't concern you." He dismissed his brother who obliged with a shake of his head a mutter of what sounded like 'twat' under his breath.

"I don't understand." Juna said, now having to speak louder over a gaggle of children who had just entered and were having a whale of a time by the Skiving Snackboxes.

George gestured for her to follow him outside to get away from the racket of the shop. They exited the door and sat on a bench a few metres down the street.
"I realise going for a run isn't the best time to give you these." He chuckled lightly and held out the two mugs again for Juna to take.

Still confused, she grasped one of them and inspected it. She realised it was the cups from the cafe yesterday. George must have noticed her admiring the pretty paintwork that had a green vine curling up the handle and up to the rim.

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