Chapter 31 - Blood Soaked Carpet

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"Ah, Cove!" Jack beamed at her brightly as Juna knocked on his office door.
"Sit, sit." He gestured at the cushioned chair opposite where he sat behind his desk.

"Morning Jack." She mumbled.

Juna still wasn't sure if she wanted to tell her coworkers about her run in with Perseus, she couldn't help but find negatives to both options so she figured she would leave it unspoken for now. Clueing in the MIU would only make Perseus more angry and try something desperate, she was sure of it. What that desperate thing would be, she had no idea as she still had no clue what he even wanted in the first place.

Jack was sorting through the pile of paperwork that cluttered his large corner desk - pages of hand written notes, wanted profiles, files filled with information on certain criminals, scribbled pictures and scrap bits of parchment.
"Yes, here it is." He triumphantly pulled a file from the mess and presented it to Juna.
"This is Barry Whitehall, a high up follower of Perseus - who by the way we have still failed to locate or tail."

Juna took the file and flipped through the pages slowly. Barry looked like the rest of them - your run of the mill, average Joe. He didn't look mean or evil or like he was a follower or a big player beside a dangerous Dark Wizard. He was 37 years old, had strawberry-blonde hair and green eyes, he had a wife but no children, he worked at a coffee shop in Hogsmeade.

"Why is it they all seem so innocent." Juna wondered out loud.

Jack tutted in response.
"I need you to kill him."

Her eyes shot up to look at him.
"Seriously? Again?"

"Obviously, Cove. You did so well with the last one, poisoning his food or drink or whatever it was you did - that er... that- what's his name."
He clicked his fingers in Juna's direction as he tried to remember the name.

"Jude." She said flatly.
She never forgot the name of a person she killed.

"Yes! Jude! Little scummy bastard. One less in the world thanks to you."

"Right... and how do you want to kill this one then?"

"I was hoping you could help me there. Something less risky than the first one, but just as affective!"

Juna suppressed a sigh. Just this morning she had been in bliss, the perfect guy that she liked very much sleeping peacefully beside her, a house full of normal people she could become friends with... and now she was back in this hell-hole, being ordered to assassinate someone again.
With every blossom comes a bee sting.

"You know this is only going to enrage Perseus, right?"

Jack nodded.
"Of course, and we hope that will flush him out and to try something that will get him caught."

"How long do I have?"

"1 day." Jack replied.

"Oh fucking hell, Jack!" Juna was irritated and didn't bother hiding it.
"Some forewarning would be nice, especially seeing as you haven't even got a plan for me!"

"You'll figure it out, you're the best there is and you know it! His address and everything you need to know is in there. See you after it's done."
He casually waved her from his office and began scribbling on a long piece of parchment.

Juna scowled at him before she turned to walk out, a sour look plastered on her face as she left.
"I fucking hate this place." She hissed to herself.

"Try to be more careful with your distaste, Cove."

"Off you fuck, dad. The last bruise you gave me only just healed, I don't need another to add to the collection." She spat as she turned to face Mace who had approached her from behind.

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