Chapter 60 - Flicker

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"What the fuck are you thinking, Juna?!" Fred demanded at her as she still clutched George's hand.

The three of them had moved over to the lounge room and out of ear shot of Ara at the behest of Fred who was seemingly livid. George still held her hand, but she felt he had stiffened slightly.

"Throw her in Azkaban! Torture her more! Hell, kill the cunt, I won't snitch!" Fred continued, hissing through his teeth. "Why the fuck should we work with her, what she did to my brother-"

"Fred!" Juna interrupted him impatiently. "I'm fully aware of what she did to George. Painfully fucking aware. But what you need to understand is I would never in my wildest dreams let her off lightly, do you understand me?" Juna was whispering now. "It's called a bluff. If she believes that by helping us we will let her off easy, great. She's wrong - but we can use her."

Both twins were silent, Fred studying her face and George staring at the ground.

"This shit that keeps happening is happening, why?" She looked at the pair of them expectantly.

"Because... because of Perseus." George answered.

"That's right, George. And by extension - me. The sooner we can get him killed or in prison, the sooner he will stop trying to come after me and the sooner we can all go on with our lives without this utter shit!" Juna stared over Fred's shoulder at the dark haired girl staring listlessly at the ropes that bound her legs.
"I hate her, we all hate her. But if we can get her to double cross Perseus, we have someone on the inside. It gives us more chance than we've ever had to find an in and get rid of him once and for all. Am I making sense?"

The two boys nodded, Fred still looked unsure but George was gazing at her with wide hopeful eyes.

"George," Juna turned to him. "I would never, never, push aside what she's done to you, do you understand?" He nodded. "There is no room in my heart to forgive such a person. She will pay for what she's done, mark my words - she won't get away with this. I have something in mind for her, but right now we need to convince her that we need her and are willing to work along side her, with hints of being let off - we won't expressly say that though..."

Juna trailed off as George let go of her hand making her turn to him with surprise. He raised his hands and cupped her cheeks gently.
"I understand. I get it, and Juna... I will do anything to stop all this crap. I want us to be together, but I know you won't even consider it until Perseus is gone."

Juna bit her lip wanting nothing more than to kiss him right now, but also emotional pain gripped her stomach knowing it wasn't only Perseus that would need to end for them to be together. She didn't say it though, only bought her forehead to press against his. Fred watched on with a smile as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Cute display you two, but we have shit to do."

Juna and George pulled away from each other after he gave her a tender kiss on the top of the head.

"Ok." She smiled gently at George and then turned to Fred. "Where to start?"


Hours passed as Juna, George and Fred surrounded Ara, filling her head with hope and lies. She remained tied to the chair until the three of them were sure they had her on their side. She was hesitant at first, unsure why the people in front of her were so willing to let her off the hook, despite the fact none of them said they actually would.

"Nothings going to happen to your father, Ara. Perseus is lying, having someone that skilled and who's churning out new dark magic and potions like he is - he would never kill someone like that off."

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