Chapter 51 - Distraction

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Juna went home alone that night from the pub for the first time in weeks. Her and Charlie had chatted for another 15 minutes, skirting around any topic that involved the twins, before she had decided to leave. He had tried asking her where she was staying and what she had been up to, but she made sure to keep her answers vague. She only told him she lived on the outskirts of London in a cabin and that she had been working. She figured it best not to mention the fact that she had completely lost herself.

A few days crawled by and Juna tried not to seek comfort of random strangers in her bed and burning whiskey down her throat, the attempt didn't last long though. Not two days had gone past when she decided to finally learn how to use the phone that sat on the wall of the muggle cabin, on this phone she could ring any of the many muggles who had left their numbers for her. She had generally made it a rule not to sleep with the same person more than once, but going to bars every night was proving to be tiring and she really didn't want to bump into someone she knew again.

"Hello, is this Elsie?"

"Yes, Speaking."

"Hi! It's Juna, from um... a while back. We met at the club and-"

"I remember you Juna." Elsie chuckled over the phone. "I didn't think I'd be hearing from you again."

"Yeah... I apologise for that, I've had a bit going on. But I was wondering if you'd like to come over?"

She felt nervous for some reason. She hadn't considered that Elsie might not want to see her, considering Juna had slept with her then never called again. Rejection was not something she was used to.

"So this is a booty call?"

Juna paused, trying to judge the tone of voice Elsie was using, but it was impossible to decipher over the phone.

"Uh... yes, I guess if I'm being honest - it is."
Neither of them spoke for a second.
"Look, I'm sorry." She said quickly. "I shouldn't have called, this is completely out of line. You're a beautiful woman and deserve a lot more than I could give you. I hope you have a great night."

Juna went to hang up the phone but heard Elsie's voice on the other end.

"Wait! Wait, Juna. I'll come round, ok? But only if you promise to take me out for coffee in the morning."

A smile unconsciously spread across her face as she responded.
"I promise."

In the back of Juna's mind, she knew it wasn't smart, it would only end up like the George situation. But the promise of comfort for the night and the company of someone she actually liked in the morning, she didn't think on it too much.
She gave Elsie her address and went to freshen up before she arrived.

Soon a knock on the door snapped Juna out of the stare she had locked onto the blazing fire. She jumped up and opened the door to the girl on the other side. Juna had forgotten just how beautiful this girl was, with her brown skin and tight black curls framing her face perfectly.

"It's nice to see you again." Elsie smiled.

The two embraced each other for a moment, the familiar scent of her Rose perfume filling Juna's senses again before they parted.

"Come in, would you like a drink? Wine? Tea? Water?"

"Sure, a wine would be great! Thanks."

Juna went to the kitchen and began pouring a white wine for the both of them as Elsie wandered the cabin, looking at the decorations she found of interest.

"What happened to your flat in London?" Elsie asked.

"Oh... just wanted a change, you know. I still own it, I'm just renting this place for a little while. It's a nice escape."

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