Chapter 26 - One Wrong Move

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"Perseus?" George's voice was thick with confusion.

Juna had no idea what was going on, all she knew was that Perseus, the Perseus, was sitting across the bar from where she stood, surrounded by George's loved ones. What the hell was he playing at?
Their eyes bored into each other from across the room. His empty black ones and Juna's hard blue ones shooting invisible daggers through the air, but nobody apart from George seemed to notice.

"Ouch, Juna I'm sorry but you're hurting me." George spoke in her ear softly as he tried to free his hand that was clamped painfully tight in hers.
"I'm not sure what's going on, but we can go if you want."

She snapped out of her trance of hatred and pulled her hand away from George's.
"Sorry. I just... I don't think we should be here."

"Perseus, he's... he's a criminal right?"

Juna looked at him in surprise.
"How did you know that?"

He gingerly rubbed the hand that he had just freed and averted his gaze.
"I might have seen a document you missed when you vanished the rest off the coffee table earlier. I'm sorry for snooping." He said quickly.

He almost sounded scared and that made her feel a stab of guilt. The poor guy was terrified of another one of her outbursts, and who could blame him - she was irrational and prone to outbursts at the best of times.

"It's fine, George. But look, right now we need to get your friends and us out of here and away from him. Why the fuck is he even here? How do you know him?"

"Well Fred started talking about him about 3 weeks ago. Now that I think about it... that's when Fred started acting like a twat..." He had a thoughtful look on his face as he sorted through his memories.

"A twat like how?"

"He just kept at me about... well, about you. He kept saying he's been talking to a friend about our situation and his friend reckons you're bad news, getting Fred to try convince of all this shit. Then I met him - Uh, Harpe he goes by - and he kept on with that same shit to me directly. Gives me real creepy vibes and I have no idea why Fred is friends with him."

Juna couldn't believe what she was hearing. She knew that the twins may be in trouble since the second Bethany caught sight of George, but she had no idea she would run back to Perseus with the info. She had no idea Perseus himself would come after them. For what reason? What was he gaining from befriending the brother of the guy she was seeing casually?

"Oi George! Get your arse over here." Fred bellowed from across the room.

George looked panicked at Juna. It was starting to look suspicious that they had entered the bar and had been standing in the entrance for a number of minutes now.

She hesitated.
"We can't panic anyone. Act normal ok? I'm going to try get 'Harpe' on his own and I'll try my hardest to get him away from Fred and the others."

"What? No! I'm not letting you be alone with him. I saw his rap sheet, he's bad news!"

"No shit, George! I've been chasing this guy for ages! He killed the one and only friend I've ever had and he's the one that gave me this huge scar across my abdomen!" Juna hissed, gesturing at her stomach.
"I know who he is. I intend to end his life before he becomes the next fucking Voldemort or worse."

George looked stunned.
"So that's what you do? You're like a more hardcore version of an Auror?"

Juna tutted with impatience.
"Yes, I suppose you could put it like that, it's not important right now, ok? We need to go over there. Act normal and don't bother trying to warn Fred. There's a high chance Perseus has him under some kind of Imperius curse or something similar to keep him on his team."

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