Chapter 18 - Let Me In

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All hell broke loose as soon as the Dark Wizards and Witches at Jude's dinner party realised their host was dead. As soon as the shocked silence subsided, shouting began.

"What the fuck happened?!"

"Who did this?"

"Was it one of those rotten House-Elves?"

Juna studied the faces of each person from her spot behind the fern where she stood invisible. She noticed a lot of side-eyes shooting suspicious glances across the table. Jack's plan was working faster than she suspected it would.

"Search the house! Someone must be here. An Auror or another of those Ministry do-gooders!"
A tall man shouted across the room.

"You really think if one of those morons did this they would be dumb enough to hang around?"
A plump, brown haired witch scoffed at him.

"We have to tell Perseus." The man said. "He has to know someone is taking down his top people."

A hushed silence fell over the group, suspicions were rising between them, but also nobody wanted to be the one to break it to their leader. They all stared, still open mouthed, at the dead man slumped over the table.

"What are we gonna do with him then?"

There was no sense of loss among these people. They were clearly here to suck up to the man closest to Perseus and that was all. No doubt inside every mind in this room was a plot on how to take his place.

The events got boring to Juna once the panic subsided and she realised they weren't going to summon Perseus to the house. Quietly, she slipped out from her hiding spot and walked calmly out of the mansion, out the gate and apparated into the living room of her flat. Only then did she remove the invisibility spell that kept her hidden.

As she let a hot tea brew in the kitchen, she wrote to Jack.

It's done.

Juna held the note out to the small barn owl that had been perched outside her window waiting for her arrival. The bird clasped the parchment in its beak and took flight immediately.

Sighing and sagging into her large, comfy couch, she kicked her feet up on the coffee table in front of her and took a deep drink from her tea. Her thumb lazily traced the green painted vines on her mug, her mind wandering to George as it always did when she saw or touched these mugs. She wondered how badly she had hurt him when he woke up alone this morning. Had Fred said anything to him about their argument?

Juna almost made herself laugh at that moment. Here she was, stressing over a boy like some teenager from a muggle TV show, when she had quite literally just assassinated someone moments ago. How ridiculous it all seemed. But this was just the reality of her life.

Her mind then drifted to her mother's last coherent words.
"Get away from this place. Do it for me." 
Could she? Could she just up and leave? Only a few weeks earlier the very same woman was telling her the MIU would kill her if she tried to leave. She knew too much.

Juna rubbed her temples with her fingers. She had been looking like shit lately. She had huge, dark bags under her eyes and her face looked dull and lifeless. She couldn't seem to relax or sleep. As much as she hated to admit it, sleeping in George's arms was the first time in a long time she had slept so soundly. But of course, she was sure that was only to do with being exhausted from all the sex.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a bell from the elevator and a crackle over the intercom. She had never actually had someone use this feature of her home, she didn't know anyone and the people who did visit her was only her father to tell her off about something, he always just apparated directly inside.

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