Chapter 36 - Meet Up

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Juna drummed her fingers against the table as she waited for Harry to turn up. She had finally contacted him to make good on her offer to meet up and discuss the Perseus situation.
She sat on the front edge of her seat, having already made a note of everyone's faces and movements inside and outside of the cozy cafe she was sat in. The aroma of coffee made her senses more alert, just as the taste of coffee that hit her tongue made feel more alert.

"Juna, hello. Nice to see you again." Harry had walked awkwardly through the door, spotting her straight away.

"Harry. Hi." She said curtly, shaking the stiff hand Harry held out to her.

He quickly told the waitress that approached them his order before turning back to Juna.
"Any word of his whereabouts?"

"None. Nobody has heard a peep from him in weeks, the last was his run in with us. Which I haven't told my colleagues about yet either. But our people have been searching high and low for him, people have been out on surveillance tracking his followers, but they all are doing sweet fuck all. It's so calm out there it's eery. He's been wreaking havoc constantly for the last year at least and now it's all silent? It doesn't make sense."

Harry nodded calmly.
"Same with us, hide nor hair... I felt sure he was going to try something to get back at us. He had his claws so deep in Fred and for what? What's his goal?"

"I suspect he's not keen to show his hand so early. But you're right, it is odd for him to have backed so far off. Maybe he doesn't even have a plan. Maybe he's just toying with us... because he can."
Juna was deep in thought. It hadn't occurred to her that maybe he truely didn't have a dark, evil plan. Maybe he was just doing it for his own amusement and for the pure hatred of the MIU and Juna especially.

"What do we do?" Harry questioned.

She shrugged.
"I really don't know... there's nothing to be done until he shows his face again, and who knows when the fuck that'll be."

They sat in silence for a moment, sipping their drinks.
"Harry, you never told me how you knew it was him - at the pub. You knew him by sight. Nobody knows Perseus except by name."

"Yeah... Essentially my colleague and I were tracking down someone who turned out the be his follower, nasty piece of work they were. Had kidnapped a Seer, sure that he was going to show his boss and hero - Perseus - that it was said he was the next big thing. The next Voldemort perhaps, except one that wasn't going to die at the hands of a school student."

"The great lengths he went to to live forever and he only just made it to 70."
Juna couldn't help but laugh at how pathetic it was.

"Precisely. Anyway, we tracked this guy to his house, he really didn't try to hide his behaviour. Had at least 2 witness's to the actual kidnapping itself, plus his neighbours could hear the cries for help from the poor woman he had taken. We decided to wait as long as we felt comfortable, sure he was going reveal his intentions.
Sure enough, he did. At this time we had no clue Perseus was a thing, but low and behold this guy showed up looking like he owned the street he walked on. The kidnapper greeted him with a deep bow and was stuttering and fumbling in what I think was a mixture of terror and awe."

Harry sipped his coffee again, his eyes squinting slightly as he recalled the day.
"Perseus went inside, they closed the door and of course we couldn't hear a thing. So this is when Fred and George's Extendable Ear invention came in handy, wound that out so we could hear.
Long story short, the kidnapper spilled everything - Perseus's name, his intentions, the fact he had kidnapped the Seer, what he intended to do with her, the whole lot. So we had all the evidence we needed and now we had another guy to watch - Perseus."

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