Chapter 42 - Waiting Room

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George's mind went blank as he watched the pool of blood spreading rapidly from underneath Juna's shirt. Her body went limp and her eyes fluttered shut while he desperately patted her cheek.

"Juna! Come on, stay with me, love."

Her eyes rolled as she attempted to keep her eyes open, but in no time at all she was completely unconscious. George cursed and looked around desperately, but the streets were deserted. He had only walked out here after being too upset to continue the night with his friends. Seeing Juna continuously walk out on him, ignore him and reject him was becoming too much to handle, it was truely taking its toll. Not to mention - Fred was nowhere to be found inside the pub. He had come out here to look for him, only to hear the ricocheting of rogue curses coming from down the street.

There was no time to sit and dwell on the insane reality of the last few minutes - finding out that Perseus had been masquerading as his twin brother for weeks and he hadn't even stopped to notice. Not to mention the fact that Perseus has said Fred might be already dead. Never mind all that - He had to get Juna to St. Mungo's and quickly before he lost her too.

George closed his eyes and gripped his wand tightly. He tried to vividly recall the entrance to the hospital the best he could, having once been there to visit Bill after that Werewolf had attacked him. He took his chance apparating as he clutched Juna's bloody hand. Once the unpleasant sensation of apparation had worn off, he opened his eyes hoping he was at the correct place. With relief he saw the deserted looking storefront and the old mannequin in the window.

"Please! It's an emergency. She's bleeding out, she's been hit by a curse and she- she's..."
George looked down at Juna who's head was cradled in his arms, finally realising the situation she was in.

Both their clothes were now completely soaked through with her blood and her skin was cold, clammy and pale. Her lips were turning blue as they rested slightly parted, shallow and spaced out breaths rattling through her throat.
George slowly turned his head back to the window, the beginning of tears blurring his vision. The mannequin had not moved, however it had taken on a red tinge. Suddenly a plump, grey haired woman stepped out of the window and ushered him out of the way.

"That's it lovey, pop over there. We will get your friend inside and take good care of her." The staff member said kindly, but her brow was creased with concern as she fluttered over to Juna.

With a flick of her wand, the woman rose Juna's limp body into the air and coaxed her through the window.
"Are you coming?" She spoke over her shoulder.

Quickly George nodded and brushed his knees off as he got off the ground, eagerly following the witch through the window.
Once inside he hardly noticed where he was, his eyes focused solely on Juna. The Witch was floating her gently down a sterile, white corridor specifically for emergencies and promptly lowered her onto a bed in a private room just off to the side. Another two Wizards stood in the room, wands at the ready as they muttered to the witch who was now tearing Juna's shirt off.

A large, grisly and deep gash ran down the entirety of her torso. George knew that the location of it meant that it crossed directly over the last huge one Perseus had given her. The one he had seen the very first time they slept together.
Juna's skin wasn't even visible as blood coated everything in sight. It continued to ooze down her sides as it pulsed out of her body in time to her ever slowing heart beat.
Immediately after her shirt was removed the staff got busy, effectively blocking George's view of her. All he could see was their arms moving as they uttered spells and poured potions on her body. He hardly noticed when a kind young man took his arm gently and guided him out of the room.

"You should wait out here, sir." He spoke softly.

George stared blankly straight ahead as he sat down. He didn't know what he should do. There was nobody to contact, she had no family - only a father who hated her. She had no friends or other loved ones, he didn't even know how he would contact her co-workers, not that they would care.
She was truely alone in this world, all she ever had was George. It was a strange time for him to come to terms with the utter loneliness and abandonment she must experience on a daily basis. It was no wonder she had a hard time with people.

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