Chapter 17 - Sorrow

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Juna's mother had died.
Even though she was a mother only by title - not by her actions or her love (or lack ther of), she felt broken. She felt as though a week ago she had had her first real conversation with the woman who gave birth to her. She may have been delusional, but it had truely meant something to Juna.
She had been to visit her twice more after that conversation, both times not going very well. Roxy -or Susan as the woman was calling herself, had not been able to string together a coherent sentence.
Juna didn't mind so much though. She sat with her and cleaned her up and held her hand anyway.

When she received the owl to her living room yesterday telling her that Susan had passed, she had felt as though something inside her shattered. She had trained herself to have no feeling to anything at all and it was the strangest sensation to be numb yet have emotions and thoughts attempt to push themselves through the cracks of her heart.

Her thoughts immediately had gone to George. She wanted to be near him, she wanted to touch him, she wanted him to make her feel. She wanted to feel something.
Before she had even known what she was doing, she had found herself in shorts and a tank top, freezing cold, standing in the pouring rain outside Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

Hardly any thoughts were going through her mind when George had opened the door. Juna didn't know how he had known she was there, but she was entirely consumed with the need to be as close to him as possible.
The night passed by in a blur of pleasure and relief. But the relief didn't last for long, for when she awoke she was aghast at how she had let herself fall asleep wrapped in George's arms.

She had untangled herself slowly and gently as to not wake him, dressed and headed toward the door. It would have been a quick escape if George's twin brother - Fred, hadn't been awake and glaring at her. He accused her of using George and that he meant nothing to her. That hit her like a slap to the face. Especially when Fred said George was falling in love with her. Just an overreaction on his part, surely?

Nevertheless, love was a fickle thing that meant nothing. Never in her 22 years had Juna loved or been loved by anyone, not even her parents. She decided long ago that she was never going to fall victim to it. It was simply a construct.

It had been approximately 8 hours since Juna had left the flat of the Weasley twins. She now sat at her kitchen island and stared into her strong coffee, served in her favourite mug - the one George had given her. Her heart felt heavy and broken. She was also sore between her legs but in the most perfect way, almost a welcome distraction.

After taking the last sip of her coffee, Juna decided to head into work for a few hours to hopefully take her mind off things. Perhaps she could take her sorrow out on that bitch, Bethany.
As she entered the MIU, she felt the eyes of her colleagues on her. They all knew about Susan's passing and knew Juna was her daughter. But if these scumbags thought they were going to see Cove's tears, they were wrong.

Juna strutted confidently toward where Bethany was being kept, only to find the room empty.

"Where the fuck is Bethany?" She demanded to Anchor who was sitting at his desk, his fat arse hanging over the sides of his chair.

He waved a dismissive hand at her without looking up from his work.
"Dead. Bitch died last night."


"You saw her, Cove. The woman was wasting away. She was entirely fucked. Her body probably just gave up. She gave us nothing anyway. Good riddance if you ask me."

"Fuck." Juna mumbled, staring into the empty room where she had contributed to the decline of the dark witch.

A pang of guilt vibrated her ribs momentarily. Her thoughts went to Bethany's children, they were so young.
Juna shook it off quickly and made for the training room instead. Bane wasn't in there which she was glad about. Sometimes she enjoyed training herself. It was a good way to let off some steam.

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