Chapter 43 - Minister

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"How do you know-" Hermione started, shock flooding her face. "Wait! Are you telling me, Juna works for the Magical Intelligence Unit!?" She hissed.
Harry and George looked at each other as Hermione lifted her arms in disbelief.
"Why didn't I realise sooner! I thought it was odd you said she worked with you as an Auror, Harry. I didn't recall hearing about a new Auror but I just thought I'd been to busy to notice..." She wrinkled her forehead in deep musing, looking in the direction of the door Juna lay behind.

"How do you know about the MIU?" Harry looked surprised.

"Honestly Harry." She scoffed. "I'm high up in the Magical Law Enforcement Department, you think we don't know of the MIU?"

"Well... it's such a huge secret apparently, but so many people seem to know about it, as I'm finding out."

"It's really only those high up under the Minister like myself and the Auror's that know. There may be whispers that get out to the other departments but nobody's really full bottle on it." Hermione explained.

"Sorry for not telling you 'Mione. Juna preferred to keep it a secret to protect us as well as herself, not that it worked..." George trailed off glumly.

"There's no time to talk particulars, but I do want to hear every single thing you have been keeping from us soon." She bossed, her finger pointed menacingly at George.

"I promise."

It scared George to think of the moment he had to tell everyone Fred was missing, had been for weeks and was potentially dead. His heart raced and his hands trembled at everything that had happened tonight, but there was no time to break down or feel sorry for himself. The sooner they contacted Juna's co-workers and got her fixed, the sooner he could find Fred. He knew in his heart of hearts that his twin wasn't dead, he could inexplicably feel that he was alive and George trusted he could hang on for a bit longer.

"We need to go to the Ministry. I know the MIU is located somewhere there, it's just not a part of the main building." George decided.

Harry nodded.
"I could ask my Supervisor, he might know more than the rest of us."

"He won't know where it is." Hermione cut in. "Leave it to me."
She started quickly for the fireplace they had arrived through earlier.
"Are you coming?" She demanded.
Harry and George quickly fell into step behind her.

After a conversation with the Hospital staff and a flash of Harry's Auror badge, they allowed them to use the Floo Network to travel to the Ministry.
The three of them raced through the shining black tiled surroundings, their footsteps echoed around them and George felt as though the entire place was very eerie, especially with very few people inside as it was the wee hours of the morning.

"Where are we going, Hermione?" Harry huffed as he struggled to keep up.

"To see the Minister of Magic."

"What!?" George and Harry both halted in their tracks, earning a groan from Hermione who stopped and turned to face them.

"Hermione, I'm hardly going to bother the Minister of Magic!" Harry whispered, glancing around the area.

"Nobody else knows where they are located!" She hissed back. "Literally nobody, Harry! People know they exist, but nobody apart from him knows where they work! I know it seems excessive but it's necessary. I've been working closely with the Minister for some time now, he's a friend."

"Yes we all know Shacklebolt, but I just-"

"Shut it Harry." She snapped. "If you're not interested, leave. But I'm here to help Juna by any means necessary. George said she's had an injury like this before and it got healed. With the people at St Mungo's not having a clue what to do, our only option is to find whoever healed her last time and the only way we do that is to get to the MIU. Understand?"

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