Chapter 29 - Peak

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It was drawing late into the evening now, everyone had had multitudes to drink and were winding down very quickly as the alcohol finally pulled them into a deep sleep. Hermione and Ron were fast asleep leaning up against each other, Lee was leant back on the couch with his mouth wide open, snoring his lungs out. Fred was fighting sleep but ultimately lost the battle and Ginny was asleep on Harry's shoulder who's eyes were also fluttering close to sleep.

George and Juna looked at each other with a smile.
"Think I'm ready for bed too." George said.

"You're more than welcome to share my bed."

"Why, that sounds delightful Juna, Thankyou for the kind offer!" He grinned.

Juna turned to look back at Harry who had a small smile on his face as he looked at them.
"You two are cute."

"Shut up, Harry." George laughed as he got up.

"Harry," Juna started as she let George help her up. "Thank you again for... well, tonight. I really think we should meet for a coffee or something and discuss things. Is that something you'd be interested in?"

Harry nodded.

"Did you just ask Harry on a date in front of me and his girlfriend?" George's eyes were wide.

Harry and Juna burst into laughter, making Ginny stir.
"No you git! I'll explain later." She replied.

She pulled out her wand and conjured multiple soft blankets and pillows for the sleepy group of friends. Harry immediately set out to tucking Ginny in first then then the rest of his friends to make sure they spent the night warm and as comfortable as possible.

"Night, Harry." The three of them waved to each other and Juna and George made their way to the one bedroom.

"What a night!" Sighed George as he collapsed into the bed with his hands behind his head.
"Come here." He called to Juna who was changing out of her dress.

Once she was dressed in the oversized shirt she wore to bed, she crawled up beside George who looped his arm around her pulling her close to him. She lay with her head on his chest, listening to the soft beating of his heart for a while.

"The way you've looked after my siblings and my friends tonight, Juna... I can't express how much it means to me. I know how much you don't like people." He laughed softly. "But you did it anyway and I know if they knew about all this, they'd be eternally grateful too."

Juna nodded against his chest, unsure on what to say.

"You know, you're always surprising me." He continued. "Just when I think I am beginning to know you, you show me another side to you and I love it. I hope I get to keep learning more about you every day."

The smile that had tugged at her lips briefly now faded away. It made her feel many things when George spoke of their future. She felt excited and happy, but also she dreaded it because they probably couldn't have a future.

"I'm scared, George."
The words just slipped out of her mouth making her curse herself.

"Why? What are you scared of?"

Juna unwrapped herself from the embrace her and George had been sharing and moved to her side of the bed.
"It's getting really late-"

"Don't you dare." George's voice was stern but also coated with a deep caring as she felt his hand wrap around her waist once more.
"Don't do that. Please don't."

Juna closed her eyes and willed away the storm of emotions that were threatening to break through.
She took a deep shaky breath.
"Look, I just don't know... I don't know how much of a future we can have."

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