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Taking the next week to think over Shacklebolt's proposition, Juna finally made her way to the Ministry of Magic full of apprehension. It had taken her some time to come to her decision after many long nights talking to George and Fred about it. Not only that, but seemed to be all she thought about when she was on her own too. The MIU had been her entire life, this change was welcome, but it was completely terrifying.

George accompanied Juna to the Minister's office and the tall, beaming man greeted her with a firm handshake and a wide smile. Juna noticed the documents laying out on his desk, a quill at the ready for her to print her signature.

"I must say, Juna, the thought of this particular arrangement did cross my mind the moment George and your friends spoke so highly of you. I had heard murmurs of your good work from Jack himself during our meetings. You're a very talented and powerful witch. You'll do well with the Auror's." Shacklebolt smiled and gestured at the two large cushioned seats that sat in front of his desk.

The conversation whirred through her ears. George was asking every question under the sun and Shacklebolt answered them with keen willingness. She hardly heard a thing, but she knew she could rely on George to relay everything said and to alert her if anything concerning arose.

This was huge. It was a massive step, a life changing step. She couldn't believe Jack had agreed to it, she had even gone to the MIU a few days ago to confront the man herself, insisting to him that if this was some kind of sick joke, she would strangle him next. He he assured her that it was legitimate. He didn't give explicit reasons why, but Juna caught an unusual glimpse of undulating pity in Jack's eyes. He seemed to be sorry to lose her, but she had a feeling Bane may have also had something to do with this.

That was all but confirmed when Bane had found her kneeling between her parents grave's not far from the MIU. They'd had a short but meaningful conversation about how pleased he was that Juna could escape and have a real life, a long life. He didn't want to see her end up like her parents.

"This doesn't mean you get to stop cooking Pumpkin Pasties for me. I'll still be round to eat them, I promise you that." She had elbowed him gently in the ribs in jest, to which he chuckled and swore he would continue to cook her delicious treats.

With shaking hands and a numb mind, Juna had signed the contract releasing her from the MIU and therefore binding her to the Auror's. Nerves returned and she found herself trying to find a reason not to do it, just as she had done one hundred times over the last week. But the feel of George's warm body next to her and the heat from his gentle hand on her lower back steadied her and she signed.

"You're amazing, you know." He had cupped her face and pressed a kiss to her forehead as the made their way, hand in hand, down Diagon Alley once they had left the Ministry. "I personally think if you had gone to Hogwarts, you'd be put into all four of the houses. You're all of them."

"I am?" She asked curiously.

"Oh yeah! For sure! See, you're very much a Gryffindor - you're brave and daring, with nerves of steel, but so very Slytherin too; cunning and resourceful. Then there's your Hufflepuff side with your dedication and loyalty, and you're so clever with your intelligence and wit - that's very Ravenclaw."

Juna listened with pleased wonder, flushing at the compliments. She tried to imagine what her life would have been like if she was allowed to go to Hogwarts like a normal kid, what house would she have been put in? Maybe she would have had friends, a different job. She certainly wouldn't be the person she was today's though.

They entered Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and chatted lightly as they both made their way up the stairs to the twins flat. George grinned at her as he opened the door to the darkened kitchen and living room, letting her enter first. Juna's eyes narrowed as her senses kicked in, suspecting something wasn't quite right. She moved to take a step as she reached for her wand when-

"Surprise!" A chorus of cheerful yells washed over her as the lights flickered to life and tiny fireworks zipped around the room.

"What the fuck!" She couldn't help but exclaim as she turned to George. "What is this?"

"You're starting a whole new life! I wanted to celebrate." He kissed her cheek as others starting coming up to her.

Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Harry, Fred, Charlie, Molly, Arthur and even Percy were there, all smiling ear to ear and eager to get close to her for a slightly too long hug or to congratulate her on her new job. Juna could hardly believe her eyes, but her heart swelled that she had people in her life that could be so excited for her over something so seemingly trivial.

George reached over Hermione who was hugging her and pressed a finger between her eyes, smoothing out the crease on her pinched face. 'Relax' he mouthed at her with a smirk. Juna could have whacked him.

But after a while she did relax, drinks flowed and the chatter was light and happy. Harry reassured her that the Auror's were pleased as punch to have her and that she would do well. She wasn't so sure, Auror's and MIU agents historically haven't gotten along well the few times they have had to work together, but nevertheless...

Eventually Juna excused herself to the bathroom. She closed the door behind her and let out a long breath. It was nice to take a moment after the day she had that had changed everything.

She was an Auror now.

She looked in the mirror and surveyed her own face. She looked happy. That was new, but this was what being with George bought out in her. They weren't official yet, but they told each other they loved each other at least once every day. Neither of them were in a hurry to put a label on themselves, but it was sure to come soon. For the meantime, they were happy in their little bubble.

Juna was washing her hands when the familiar flicker of pain stabbed through her torso, before ebbing as quickly as it came. She lifted her shirt and traced the X shaped scar across her front. The blackening around the outsides of the raised mark weren't disappearing like she assumed they would. Maybe it would take a little longer.

She hadn't told anyone about these pains, there was no reason in her mind to worry anyone now that life was un-bothersome and she made a mental note to perhaps see a healer when time permitted.

Straightening herself and exiting the bathroom with a smile on her face Juna rejoined the party, for once in her life feeling unburdened and finally something she never thought she could properly be - happy.


Thank you so much for reading :) xx

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