Chapter 4 - One Night Stand

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"Wow you live there? I have walked past these flats before and wondered who would live in such a fancy place." George chuckled in wonder.

He was gazing up in awe at the luxury building Juna lived in. She had wasted no time turning on her sensual charm and getting him to leave the pub with her, much to his twins annoyance, but she didn't care.
His twin (who's name was apparently Fred) and George had gone there for a drink after work with one of their employee's, who also happened to be their brother - Ronald. The ginger gene was certainly strong in their family.

"Yes, it's lovely. Hurry up please."

Juna was impatient. Sex was the perfect way to clear her mind as she had discovered, but this guy talked so much.
George had told her that his flat was a short distance away, located just above his shop. But she didn't like going to other people's homes, she wasn't in control. She had to know where she was, how to get there and who would be present at any given time. Her job was too high risk to ignore these key factors for a simple one night stand.

As they entered the doors to the elegant foyer, George paused to take it all in, making Juna also have to pause with an irritated sigh.
The stupidly handsome man flashed her a grin and reached out to lace his fingers through her own.

"Lead the way!" He smiled.

Juna looked down at the large, veiny hand that had welcomed itself into her own and felt electricity run from her fingers straight to her head. His hand was warm, so was he. This wasn't the usual type Juna would pick for a rendezvous, she usually went for the lonely, bitter and quiet types. But she hadn't had much of a choice on this particular night.

Shrugging, she led George by his hand toward the elevator. She held a magnetic card to a small black panel and jabbed the button.
As they waited, Juna surveyed the funny guy beside her, still clutching her hand and staring around the foyer with wide eyes. He reminded her of a little kid going to an amusement park for the first time, holding its mothers hand so it wouldn't get lost.

The lift finally opened its doors and Juna tugged him in as the doors closed again.
Keen to get the ball rolling, she pushed George back against the wall and rounded on him, her eyes ablaze with lust. She was only about 5 inches shorter than him which made kissing him easy.
She grasped his face with both hands and kissed his lips roughly, pressing her body against his.

George pulled back slightly in shock.
"What're you going?"

Juna looked at him as if he was stupid.
"What do you think I'm doing?"

"I- um, no that's fine I just thought that, I dunno... we would talk a bit first?"

Juna stifled a laugh, but George noticed this - making him furrow his brow.
"Look George, I don't need nor want to talk first. When I want something I don't fuck around. Are you here to waste my time?"

George was slightly taken aback at how upfront she was being. Never in his life had he met a woman like this.
"Um, ok. I'm not going to waste your time, Cove."


By now the lift had stopped and the doors slid open, directly into her flat. Once again George was easily wowed, his eyes went big and his hand slipped out of Juna's. He stepped out of the lift and onto the smooth hardwood floors, drinking in the luxury she lived in.

"So you must be rich, rich, huh?" He asked without looking at her.

Juna rolled her eyes and strode over to where he was standing by the couch now, he was taking in the view over the streets surrounding the building.
She grabbed his shoulder and threw him backwards onto the couch. He flopped down in surprise and stared at her with slight confusion clouding his face.

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