Running Away(JohnnyxDallyxPony)

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•request from Mia125881  I did my own idea for this one but you can always request something else with these characters as well. I'm not good at working with three characters so I'm sorry if this is bad•

Dallas was running from the cops, again. He had pulled a gun on the cashier at the corner store and got caught.

He started running for the lot and as he got closer he noticed a fire was lit.

He ran over to find his two boyfriends cuddling  on the old car seat.

"Hey guys," Dallas ran over, out of breath.

"Hey Dally, what's goin' on? What you running for?" Pony asked running his hands through Johnny's hair. "Yeah, what you runnin' from Dal?" Johnny looked up at his older boyfriend and smiled.

"The cops, man. I was trying to swipe a pack of cancer sticks at a corner store. The cashier caught me, man. I pulled out the heater to scare him off or whatever- and guess what? He had the cops there in less than 5 minutes!" Dallas shook his head and sat down beside the two. He leaned back and sighed.

The three sat in silence for a few minutes before Dallas spoke up again, "I've gotta run away. I have to."

Ponyboy and Johnny turned to look at Dallas, "well if you're going, I'm going too Dal." Johnny smiled at Dallas and moved from under Pony's arm to cuddle into Dallas' side. Dallas kissed Johnny's hair and smiled down at him.

"And if Johnny's going with you, I might as well go too. I can't stay here without you guys."

Dallas sighed and pulled Ponyboy over to him as well. The three fell asleep in the lot that night, listening to each others breathing.

I am so sorry this was so short. I'm not hood at working with these 3 for the most part. I hope it wasn't too bad•

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