drunk (dallyboy)

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ponyboy was on the couch, reading a book. it was extremely late at night and the youngest curtis just couldn't sleep. 

the blonde sighed as he turned his page and looked back up at the clock for the fourth time this hour, the time read 3:57am. he'd been out here for two hours and still wasn't tired. 

just as pony was going to get up, he heard the door creak opened. he whipped his head around to find a swaying dallas winston. dally started to make he way towards the young boy as he giggled. dallas reached his hand out and pet the young boys face is his rough hands. 

"you're so pretty ponyboy..." dallas stood up straight and stretched before picking the young boy up and laying down with ponyboy on top of him. dally peppered pony's face with kissing and nuzzled his face into ponyboy's hair. 

"dally, you're drunk," pony tried to get up before being pulled back down by the older boy. 

"i'm not drunk. i only had a few drinks, that doesn't mean i'm drunk," dallas whispered in the blonde boy's ear. 

ponyboy hated this. he hated how cuddly and nice dallas would be to him when he was drunk. but the second he sobers up a bit, the older male wants nothing to do with him.  pony really did love dallas and when he pulled stuff like what he was doing now, it only made him fall harder for the blue-eyed hood. 

"dallas. get off of me." dallas tightened his grip on the young boy and shook his head. 

"c'mon doll, no one's around so we don't have to hide that we're together.."

"we are not together dallas. you don't want to be with me. you're not going to remember this tomorrow. you're gonna forget all of this so please let me go."

dalls looked up at pony who had an angry expression on his face. dallas let go of the younger boy and ponyboy jumped off if the hood. dallas watched sadly as pony made his way back to his and soda's room. 

dallas stood up from the couch and walked out the door, sadly. 

-the next morning-

pony was in the kitchen making eggs for himself and his brothers. he was thinking back to everything that had happened last night. he remembered how sad dallas' eyes had looked hours before. he'd said the same thing to the hood millions of times before, but never had he looked that sad. 

just then he heard the door swing opened and he looked out into the living room. there, stood the one and only, dallas winston. 

"mornin' dally," pony went back to making his eggs, ignoring the hoods pleading gaze. 

"ponyboy... we have to talk about last night...' pony spun around and looked worriedly into the older males eyes. 

"n-nothing happened dally, forget about it."

"but it did happen pony... i'm sorry i keep doing it and forgetting or knowing i did it but i'm too scared to tell you sober."

ponyboy understood that dallas couldn't outright say 'i love you'. god, pony wished dallas could say those words, but it was dallas winston for heavens sake. the younger male turned off the stove and set down his spatula. he looked up at the blue-eyed hood and eyed him cooly. he wanted dally to feel bad but he also just wanted  dally to hold him and kiss him and tell him he was his. 

"do you love me dally?" dallas was taken aback by this question but nodded in spite of himself. 

"yeah pony.. i think i do love you.." pony nodded and started to put the eggs on plates for each of the brothers. 

"promise you won't get drunk anymore and you actually treat me like a human being when your sober? promise you'll treat me well if i do in fact, want to be with you?" dallas nodded his head.

"yeah pony, yes i promise!" 

pony let a soft smile paint his face before he started to speak again, "okay, do that for a few weeks. prove to me that's what you really want, dallas. got it?"

he looked down at his feet sadly, knowing he couldn't have pony right the. although, dallas should've known he would have to wait. 

"yeah i got it kid, thank you."

dallas walked over to the green-eyed boy and looked down at him, he gave him a short kiss and made his way towards the door, "how about a date some night?" pony looked up and smiled.

"friday night, come pick me up at 7 and we can go out somewhere. is that what you want to do?" dally nodded and ponyboy nodded slowing in response, "alright dal, i'll see ya later."

"okay.. bye pony, and thank you so much," dallas smirked and walked out the front door, letting it slam behind him. 


PLEASE READ TIL THE END: okay fun times because as far as i know, i won't be going to the hospital for the next little while!!! god i hate it there. oh, and i'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out in a day so that's fun. don't expect an update for a few days after tonight (i might post again tonight but i'm not sure) or i'll write tonight and post over the next little while, things i've already written. thank you guys so much for the amount of support i've been getting. i'd also like to say that requests will be closed from now on. i said it before but i keep getting them so please read my bio for updates on if i'm taking requests or not. i'm still really busy with school. thank you! -rae

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