Drinks (Tally)

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•Tally is TimxDally if anyone didn't know. There are not enough ships between these two, and It's my favourite ship•

Third POV

Dallas was up in his room, trying to get some rest. He had just gotten out of the cooler and hadn't have a good nights sleep in three weeks.

As he was about to drift off, he heard a soft knock on the door.


Tim was downstairs at Bucks bar having a few drinks with some members of his gang. He was on his fourth beer when he remembered that Dally had gotten out of jail a few hours ago.

Tim went to go find Buck and as if the blonde greaser was there. •using book descriptions for this one• "yeah Tim, he just got here an hour before you did." Tim nodded, thanking Buck before heading up the stairs to find Dallas.


"Who is it?" Dallas grumbled before standing up to get the door, "just me Dal, let me in will ya?" Dally was still confused with who it was, the door that blocked the two, distorting Tim's voice. "Hold on a sec man. I'm getting some clothes on, god." Tim laughed from the other side of the door. He jingled the handle a little, trying to make Dallas mad. "I SAID HOLD ON! WAIT A MINUTE MAN!"

Dallas stormed over to the door, unlocking it and throwing it opened angrily. He was met face-to-face with none other than Tim Sheperd. Realizing that Tim was there to play tricks, he started to shut the door on him. The door was then stopped by Tim's foot.

"Hey buddy, c'mon man. We haven't seen each other in so long. How ya doin?" Tim pushed the door back opened, walking into Dallas' room.

"Was fine until you got here," Dallas mumbled running his hands through his hair. "Hm? What was that Dal? I couldn't hear you." Tim got in Dallas' face and whispered, "you were mumbling." Tim smirks, then walks over to Dally's bed and sits down. Dallas' face heats up and he turns away from Tim, hoping he hadn't seen his dark blush.

Dallas fixes his shirt and leans up against the wall, eyeing Tim as he looks around the room.

"Nice place you got here aye Dal?" He says looking right at him. He makes bereft eye contact with Dallas before he looks away.

"It's alright I guess. Small but it works" he looks up at Tim once again and winks. "What did ya come up here for anyways?"

"Just wanted to check on my ol' buddie. You dig?" Dallas nodded before walking to his dresser to find a hoodie.

"Say Dal, would you wanna come down stairs and get a few drinks?"

Dallas shrugs, "couldn't hurt. I've been stuck doing nothing for a few weeks. Let's go"

The two stand up and walk out the door, and downstairs to the bar.


"C'mon Tim, it wasn't that bad! That car sucked anyways!"

"Dallas," Tim placed his hand on Dal's shoulder and looked him dead in the eyes, "you totalled my car." Dallas held back a laugh before trying shrug Tim's hand off his shoulder. Tim didn't move his hand.

Instead, Tim dragged his hand down his arm and gripped onto his wrist tightly. He pulled Dallas up the stairs after stumbling over his feet a bit. This made Dallas laugh, and Tim become angry.

But his anger soon faded as he looked into Dal's icy blue eyes.

He dragged Dallas into his room and shut the door before turning back to him again. Dallas was looking away, looking at anything but Tim.

"Look at me Dal," Dallas looked up slightly and smiled, he looked away again and began picking at his nails. Tim slapped his hand away from his view and grabbed his chin. Not hard, but with enough force to keep Dallas looking at him. "I said look at me Dallas."

"Yeah Tim, I looked at you. What do you want, man?" Tim Leaned in and pressed his lips onto Dal's, slightly pushing him towards the wall. Dallas kissed back and moved towards the wall with Tim. Soon enough he was trapped in between the wall, and Tim.

Tim pulled away for air first, looking into Dallas' eyes. He searched his eyes for any sign that he should leave. Before he could find any, he felt Dal's lips on his once again. This time a little rougher.

Dallas led Tim over to the bed before both men fell onto it. Dal pulled away and began kissing down his neck and chest, taking off Tim's and his own shirt.


-the next morning-

Tim woke up to bright sunlight shining in though the bedroom window. He looked to his left the see a sleeping Dallas cuddled into his side. He lay his head back down and smiled to himself. This was the only think he's ever wanted in his whole life.

After laying in Dal's bed for a few more minutes, he decided to get up. "No.. stay" Tim looked down to see Dallas rubbing his eyes and sitting up.

"Look Dal, I'd love to but I've got to go," Dal looked up at him and thought to himself, 'this was useless, he never wanted me. He was just using me.'

"Yeah okay go ahead, leave." He rolled over to face away from Tim, pulling the blanket up higher on his shoulders.

Tim sighed and took his jacket off, throwing it on the end of the bed. He sat down beside Dallas and started rubbing Dal's back. "Man, you know I didn't mean it like that," Dallas huffed, "them why'd you even say it? You could have just stayed in the first place. You even tried to get up and leave while I was still asleep." Tim shifted to lay down next to Dallas. He wrapped an arm around the younger's waist and nuzzled his forget into the back of his neck. Tim took a deep breath and relaxed. "I was scared." Dallas turned around to look at Tim. Looking into his eyes for any lies he could be telling. He found none. "What are you scared of?" Tim shook his head and looked back into Dallas' eyes. "I'm scared of losing you as any type of friend, I'm scared of being beat up for anyone finding out I'm a queer, I'm scared of my gang finding out. I'm just scared." Dallas shook his head out of understanding and turned back around.

The two sat in silence for a few minutes before Tim spoke up again.

"But I wouldn't be scared if you stayed by my side the whole time."

"Man, here I was think all that was to you was a hook up. If you're not gonna do it, I will," Dallas turned around and looked at Tim, "Would you be my boyfriend or whatever? Look man, we don't gotta tell no one." Tim nodded his head. "Yeah Dal, yeah I will." Tim kissed his forehead before the two both drifted off to sleep again.

•ew bro, why did I write this? It may be the best work I've done in this book so far, but it still sucked. I've been working on this for a few months because I never had the time to write a full chapter. I hope this wasn't too bad.•

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