johnny x male reader

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this was a request from my friend on instagram. ily /p man. you're so cool and i'm so sorry it took me this long to publish this and get it done.
also this is a modern au and i wasn't given a storyline so whatever-
warning: smut

third pov

y/n was walking out of his house and towards the lot. it was a cool fall night and his parents were out on another business trip. his phone was dying and he only had enough power to send a text and hopefully get one back.


  you at the lot?
sent: 1:07am

  yeah, just lit a fire. why?
sent 1:07am

be there in a second.
read:  1:08am


y/n's phone dies and he keeps walking down the road until he sees a small fire lit beside the car seat in the lot.

"hey babe," y/n greets as he sits down next to his boyfriend.

"hey, what's goin' on? you. ever come out this late," johnny states as he throws an arm around y/n's shoulder and lights up a cigarette.

"my parents are away on a trip again and i wanted to come and find you to ask if you wanna stay at my house for the week? it gets lonely sometimes."

"yeah sure, but why didn't you get text or call me?" y/n shrugged and then stood up.

"not sure, but put your fire out cause it's freezing," he puts his hand out, waiting for the puppy-eyes boy to take his hand.

"yeah alright," johnny picks up a water bottle he has here to put out fires and puts the fire out. he places the bottle back on the ground and takes y/n's hand, putting himself up.

"let's go," y/n says and starts walking towards his house.


y/n unlocks his house door and walks into the house, taking his jacket and shoes off.

"you've been here before, just throw your stuff anywhere, babe," y/n says before shutting the door behind johnny.

"sure hun," johnny takes off his hoodie and hangs it up, taking his shoes off right after.

the two walk up to y/n's room and sit on the bed, "do you wanna watch a movie?" y/n kindly asks, shifting so he's more comfortable on the bed.

"mmm..." johnny hums with a smirk on his face, "i was thinking we do something a little different."

"oh?" y/n looks up at his boyfriend with a slight smirk as well.

johnny softly grabs y/n's chin and pulls him in for a soft kiss. the two feel fire works as their lips connect in a sweet kiss.

y/n puts his hand on the back to johnny's head and made the kiss a little rougher. he licked his bottom lip, ask johnny to open his mouth. the puppy-eyes boy slowly opened his mouth, letting y/n inside.

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