what i think their kinks are

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warning: kinks, mentions of blood and cutting. you know what, just don't read this cause i'm not sure what people need warnings for but i'm hoping the title is enough of a warning. 


-i think he would have a daddy kink, but at the same time he wouldn't. like depending on who was calling him daddy or if he was saying it. like him x any of the gang (not including pony and soda) he would have one. but i don't think he'd like his girlfriend calling him that, if he every had one. 

-i also feel like he would have a bit of a bondage kink and a bit of breath play. 

-other than that i think he'd be a pretty vanilla guy. 

-also he is a strict top. like no one is topping this man. 


-okay hear me out, i think johnny would like seeing his male partner wearing a skirt or he himself would wear a skirt. like i really think he would find it really attractive and stuff you know? 

-i think johnny would like a bit of breath play. like he doesn't wanna be choked out completely but he'd like the feeling of having someone's hand wrapped around his neck while having sex.

 -johnny loves being tied up and also has a really big daddy kink. like this dude would beg to be tied up and would call his partner daddy every time he moaned. like no one can tell me otherwise. 

-i think johnny is also a little bit into public sex. he wouldn't wanna be watched or anything but he likes the feeling of almost being caught. 

-i wanna say that johnny would be a bottom but something about me says he mainly bottoms but would top his partner every once in awhile, depending on who it is. 


-like johnny, i think pony would like wearing skirts. i don't think he'd find it as hot if the other person was wearing on but i think he really like wearing them around his partner.

-i think pony has a bit of a pain kink. i think the things he likes the most is being choked, slapped, and bit. nothing too over the top but he definitely has a slight pain kink. 

-not to the point where it's classified as bondage, but i think he'd like to have his hands tied back or something like that. something where he gives all control to his partner but it's not really he can move his hands, you know?

-also depending on who it is, pony is a bottom. like, anyone but johnny he would be a bottom and as far as girls go, we all know pony doesn't really like dating women. 


-bondage kink. he would wanna be tied up, can't move any part of his body just fully exposed to his partner. 

-i think he would have a bit of a humiliation kink, once again depending on who it is.

-i don't think he'd wear a skirt, but i think he would like seeing his partner in one. 

-pain kink? i think he'd like to have bruises made on his hips and stuff like that. as well as biting, he'd like to have bite marks all over his body from his partner. 

-i really don't see two-bit as an overly kinky guy. like he has some kinks but not a whole lot.

-bratty bottom or soft top


-praise kink. he wants to be told he's doing good and that he's "such a good boy". 

-bondage kink. he likes to be tied up but also like tying other people up. he likes being helpless and making other people feel helpless.

-this man has really bad daddy issues so when i tell you he has a daddy kink... oh boy

-dally has the biggest pain kink ever. slapped, bruised,  bitten, choked, cut, everything. 

-he likes knife play. we all know that his knife was really broken from a little encounter with his partner the night before, (he most likely knocked it out of his partners hand while he was cumming and the blade of it broke off or something like that)

-he'd also like seeing his partner in girly clothes. not always skirts and dresses but just girly clothes in general. 

-dally is a switch like depending on who it is, he's a brat bottom, a soft top, a power bottom, or a daddy dom. 


-praise kink. he'd like to be told he's doing good because he doesn't think he is.

-a bit of bondage, maybe being tied to the ed or something but nothing over the top.

-he doesn't have many kinks in my eyes. he likes whatever he gets and doesn't ask for much more cause he's just happy with it. you know?

-bottom? i can't see him topping anyone but johnny really. 


-knife play. he likes being cut up and likes cutting up other people. 

-he likes seeing his partner but doesn't like being in pain that much. 

-he likes being called sir but doesn't like being called daddy.

-he likes bondage. if his partner is in charge, he likes being blindfolded and has his hands and legs tied up.

-i also think he'd have a blood kink. like this dude would't like someones blood up cause no but he'd like to see his and his partners blood, yk?

-he's kinky but also not. like he doesn't have a lot of kinks but the ones he does have are like, extreme. 


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