Sleepover (cherryboy)

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•request from Phoenixlovegamer1 and yes I finished it fast, and yes I'm posting it before I said I would, anywho, enjoy!•

Third POV

Ponyboy was packing his bag for the night. He was Sleeping over at his Girlfriend Cherry's house. Her parents weren't home, so thankfully it gave Pony and her some time just to hang out by themselves.

"Aye Darry, Soda, I'm heading out!" He called though the house as he opened the rusty screen door. "Alright little buddy, be safe," Darry came out from the kitchen and patted him on the back. Sodapop came out of his and Pony's room, "see ya Pony, have fun" he winked and Ponyboy rolled his eyes as he let the door slam behind him.


The walk to Cherry's house wasnt overly long, maybe 20-30 minutes. He almost got jumped a few times, but managed to hide behind some old buildings.

He walked up the driveway to the address that was engraved into his mind by now. He had been there many times before, but never without Cherry's parents there. He wasn't worried though. He knew she would never try anything with him.

He walked up to the front porch and lifted his fist up to knock.

Before he made contact with the door, it swung opened, reviling a blushing Cherry.

  "Hey Ponyboy!" She was shaking out of excitement, "come in, come in!" Ponyboy thought it was quite weird how excited she was. "Hey... are you alright Cherry?" He asked a shake in his voice. "Mm? Yeah, yeah. I just got you something," she ran to her room and came back with a gift back. She handed it to him and gave him a little nod. "Open it," she whispered trying to suppress how excited she was.

"Cherry, baby. You didn't need to do this honey,"

"I know, I know, but I saw it and I couldn't resist getting it for you." Ponyboy rolled his eyes playfully and began to take the contents of the bag out.

He looked at it confused, it was a paperback copy of Gone With The Wind, and a black fluffy blanket. "Cherry, what's this for?" He questioned her looking at the book again. "I've already read this book, and god knows I have so many blankets back at my house, for when the gang sleeps over an stuff."

Cherry's face went red.

"Ponyboy, you've told me before that you never finished reading that book. After everything that happened..." she trailed off. Johnny hadn't made it that night of the rumble, and Dallas couldn't either. Ponyboy looked away from her. "Yeah Cherry, I know. I really wanted to finish it. But I threw the copy Johnny gave me away." Cherry looked at him and gave him a small smile, "I know. That's why I got you a new one." Pony looked up at her and went on, "what's with the blanket though?" Cherry laughed to herself quitely. "I've seen you go out to that lot a few times, by yourself late at night. You think that Darry doesn't know where your at. But he does. He calls me to go find you, make sure your okay and all." She took a deep breath and went on, "I saw you out there freezing a few nights before I got this. I know you have a bunch, but I thought you could use a lot blanket!" She giggled smiling at Pony. He nodded and held it close to him.

Ponyboy put the book back in the back, and laid down on the couch. He flicked on the TV just like he did at his house. He looked up at Cherry and smiled at her. He waved her over and she laid down on top of him. He cover her with the blanket, "Thank you," he whispered whilst pushing a few strands of her red hair behind her ear. "Anytime."


Ponyboy yawned and sat up a bit, Cherry had moved away from him a few hours ago. Pony had fallen asleep on the couch and was just getting up now.

"Hey sleepy head," Cherry put the book she was reading down and moved over to him. She rested her head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her waist. "Hey," he spokes softly looking into her green eyes. He yawned again and rubbed his forehead with his hand. "What time is it?"

"About 11:30, why baby?" She looked up at him and grinned. "I was just wonderin' cause I'm still tired." Cherry nodded her head and stood up. She grabbed onto Pony's arm and lifted him towards her bed room.

She laid down on her bed and patted the space beside her. Ponyboy climbed in and wrapped an arm around her again. She put her forehead against his chest and sighed happily.

After a few minutes of quite, Ponyboy broke the silence.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" She looked up at him and giggled.

"You're handsome, you know that?" She retorted, Ponyboy laughed this time and looked away. A slight blush decorating his face. He hoped she hadn't seen it.

He looked back at her and gave her a peck on the forehead. She smiled and nuzzled her face into his chest again. She hummed, and looked up once more.



"I...I love you, Ponyboy." He smiled at her and pulled her closer, "I love you too Cherry."

The two drifted off to sleep to the sound of each other's breathing.

I love you too, the last words that echoed in Cherry's dreams til the next morning.


•how was that? I liked it. I ship Cherryboy, but like I said to the person who requested this, I don't like Cherry that much. Not really sure what it is, I just don't give with her, ya know? Anyways, I hope this was to your liking, and thanks for requesting this. I actually had a really fun time writing it. Requests are opened to everyone else by the way!•

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