panic (jally)

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tw: panic attack
i just wanna say that this is coming from what has happened to me while having a panic attack and this isn't something i'm making up just cause i've heard about them. i have panic attacks. i don't know why i wanted to write this but in my head johnny had them a lot but no one know about them until he has one in front of dallas.

third pov

johnny walked up the steps to buck's bar. he lifted his hand and knocked on the door, waiting for the owner to open up.

"whatdaya want?" buck questioned the younger as he opened the door with a beer in his hand.

"is dally here?" johnny asked, fiddling with his hands.

"uhh yeah, why?" the taller man took a sip of his drink.

"i was just wondering if i could go up and see him, if he wasn't busy." johnny looked up and then back down at his feet.

"sure," buck opened the door wider, letting the sixteen year old inside.

"thank you," johnny spoke softly. buck nodded back and stalked off.

the young boy started to walk through the crowd of people, up to the staircase and to the second floor. he walked down the hall to the room dallas usually stays in. he knocked on the door and heard muffled swearing and then the door flew opened, showing dallas.

"wh- oh hey johnny, man, what's up?" dallas let the younger in and walked back over to his bed, sitting down and lighting a cigarette.

"not much," johnny followed falls inside the room, "i just came to see you."

"ah that makes sense," dallas patted the seat beside him, "come sit down." johnny walked over and sat down beside the blonde. "i haven't seen you in awhile babe, how ya been?" dallas questioned, taking a long drag from his cigarette.

"i've been alright," johnny shrugged and looked at the ground.

"how have things been with your parents?" dallas passed johnny a cigarette and his lighter.

"thanks," the younger thanked him, "things have been fine. that's why i came here, as well as wanting to see you of course. but i wasn't having it tonight and i needed somewhere to sleep, it's too cold to sleep on the lot."

"you can always come with me wherever i'm staying." dallas smiled down at the younger. he brought his hand up to his face and rubbed the younger cheek, leaning in to kiss his lips.

"i like you a lot dal," the puppy-eyed boy spoke as they pulled away from the kiss.

"i like you too, john." the blonde smiled at johnny and pulled him closer to his person.

the two lay down, johnny's head on the blonde's chest and dallas' hand running through his boyfriends hair. the couple began to drift off to sleep, still in each others arms.


around the middle of the night, johnny shot up from his sleep. his body shook and he tried to take deep breaths. his throat felt like it was closing in, his hands were sweaty and he couldn't figure out if he was hot or cold.

his breathing began to get louder and louder as johnny tried to calm himself down. he took a breath in and out, in and out. but it wasn't working. he tried to stand up so he could go to the bathroom but he crumbled to the floor as soon as he stood up.

dallas awake from the sound of something falling to the floor. he looked around the room and began to hear heaving breathing and loud sobs. dallas glanced at the floor and noticed his boyfriend on the floor, the moon light the only thing lighting up the room.

"johnny?" dallas asked anxiously and he sat up and walked over to his boyfriends side. johnny had his knees up to his chin and his arms wrapped around his legs, laying on his side. he tried to take deep breaths and attempted to choke our dallas' name.

"d-a-" johnny gasped for air, his vision growing dark and blurry. he sobbed louder than before, he was getting frustrated that he couldn't speak.

"hey johnny, clam down. it's alright. can i pick you up so i can put you on the bed?" johnny just barely nodded.

dallas put and arm under johnny's knees and another around his back and picked him up. he walked over to the bed and placed the smaller boy on the bed.

"are you able to tell me what's wrong johnny?" dallas asked the younger, rubbing his back softly.

"i-i-" johnny tried to choke an answer out, but his body wouldn't let him. so he gave up and shook his head.

"that's okay. can i hug you?" dallas leaned so johnny could see him and johnny nodded, "okay," dallas picked the dark-haired boy up and placed his on his lap, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. "shhh... it's okay honey, it's okay. you're going to be okay. not can hurt you while i'm here," dallas rocked johnny back and forth as he hugged him closer to his body.


after about an hour, johnny became tired and let his body drift off to sleep. he was still on dallas' lap when he drifted off and the blonde decided to lay down.

without waking the other, dallas shifted his body so he could lay down comfortably with johnny on his chest.

dallas kissed the younger's forehead and let his head fall back, drifting off to sleep.

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