power bottom (jally)

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johnny was pushed up against the wall. dallas' hands slipped up the younger's shirt and began playing with his nipples while sucking on the skin of the puppy-eyes boys neck. johnny's head leaned back as his nails duck into dallas' clothed shoulders.

"take this off" johnny breathed out. dallas grabbed the hem of his shirt, lifting it over his head and proceeded to do the same with johnny's shirt.

dallas then picked johnny up and carried him over to his bed. the blonde placed johnny down on his back and looked up at johnny who nodded. dallas then pulled the younger's jeans and boxers off and threw them to the floor.

johnny was already hard. dallas got to his knees and grabbed the base of johnny's dick. he stroked it a few times before placing his mouth on the top and sucking hard. johnny threw his head back and moaned loudly.

the blonde then stood up, slipping his jeans and boxers off and getting onto the bed. he lay down and motioned for johnny to come to him.

johnny began to crawl over to dallas but before getting on top of him, he slipped dallas' dick into his mouth and sucked on it a few times. he then pulled off with a 'pop' and crawled up so he was straddling the older.

"you know what to do," dallas spoke in the soft voice, placing his hands on johnny's hips. the younger nodded and reached behind him to place dallas' tip at his entrance.

johnny lowered his hips and felt his boyfriend's cock slip into him. the younger let out a pained wimpier before moaning as dallas stroked him slowly.

johnny started to move his hips back and fourth until both of them were moaning uncontrollably.

"johnny," dallas moaned out, grabbing the younger's hips tougher than before, "move faster!"

"no," johnny spoke, panting right after.

"please johnny, i'm almost there. i just need you to go faster!"

"i said no dallas," johnny pushed his hands on to dallas' shoulders, "now shut the fuck up."

johnny started to move his hip slower as dallas' eyes began to fill up with tears. he wanted to cum so badly but he wasn't getting enough friction to do so.

johnny threw his head back and whimpered loudly. then johnny came across his and dallas' chests. tears streamed down dallas' cheeks as johnny got off of him.

"johnny please, it hurts!" dallas cried out as he looked up at his boyfriends.

johnny leaned down and took ahold of dallas' swollen cock. he tightened his hand and started to quickly give dallas a handjob.

"a-ah~! johnny!" dallas cried and he came on his chest. johnny started to lick the cum off of his hand and lay down beside dallas.

"you put me on one hell of a ride babe," the blonde sighed and he snuggled up behind johnny.

"mmm, i just didn't feel like letting you have all the power tonight."

dallas smiled and kissed johnny's temple.

"night babe, i love you."

"love you too dally."

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