Found Out (Tally)

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•hi yes, finally a post. Pfft enjoy•

Tim and Dallas were just getting back from a party at Buck's when Tim noticed his younger brother and sister weren't home. He smirked and turned towards Dallas, who was pouring himself a glass of orange juice.

"Oh god, what's that look for?" Dallas took a sip of his juice before placing it on the table and crossing his arms.

"Nothing... nothing. Just that the two brats aren't home..." Tim trailed of smirking at Dallas again, "meaning we have the whole house to ourselves," Dallas finished Tim's sentence. The two looked at each other before sprinting up the stairs towards Tim's bedroom.

~time skip~

The two were heavily making out. Tongues down each other's throats and hands in the others pants. That is, until there was a loud shriek coming from the bedroom doorway.

Tim pulled away and turned to where the noise came from.

Curly was home, and standing in the bedroom doorway.

"TIM! YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T BRING GIRLS OVER NO MORE!" Curly shifted his gaze from his older brother, to the figure in his bed. That's when Curly noticed it wasn't a girl.

"HOLY SMOKES! THAT AIN'T NO GIRL!" He screamed and pointed at Dallas.

"Yeah Curly, he's quite aware of that," Dallas said with a wink.


"Look Curly, it's not what it looks like-"

"What do you mean it's not what it looks like!? It looked to me like you had your hand down his pants and was makin' out with him like there was no tomorrow!" Tim sighed and shook his head. "Dal can you split? I gotta take care of this one," he pointed at Curly, "I'll call you later, yeah?"

"...uh sure Tim. See ya," and with that, Dallas left.

•I'm sorry this is so short, part 2 maybe?•

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