late night snuggles (johnny x darry (ill explain))

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okay hear me out and don't get mad at me. one, i just think the personality's work together. i know they had no like, ship worthy moments but it's the fact that it could work. and two, i'm aging johnny up. now johnny is 18 and darry is still 20. if no one likes this or finds it cute, i'll never write one with these two again. alright, come get y'all's food-

third pov

darry was sitting at the dining room table, finishing up some bills. he sighed and took his glasses off, dragging his hands down his face.

both his brothers had already put themselves to bed, and none of the other boys stopped by that day.

as darry stood up to make himself some coffee, he heard the front door creak open.

"hello?" darry spoke in a stern voice, making his way to the living room. there, he saw johnny all cut up. bruises and cuts littering his face and arms, blood seeped through his shirt and he was shaking unlike darry has ever seen before.

"lord johnny!" darry cried out, not loud enough to wake his brothers, "what happened to you?"

johnny looked down shamefully, "just my old man again. nothing new..."

"come in, come in! i'll grab the first aid kit and get you cleaned up," darry began to make his way down the hall before johnny spoke up.

"really dar, it's fine. really! i was just tired and it's too cold to sleep at the lot. you know two-bit's away and i didn't wanna go to buck's tonight." johnny spoke, shaking his hands frantically.

"wow... that's the mist i've heard you say in years johnnycakes," darry almost smiled, "but i'm still gonna get you cleaned up." with that, he walked down the hall and into the bathroom to retrieve the kit.

johnny walked over to the couch and sat down. he sighed and dragged his soft hands down his face, wincing when he touched a few cuts.

"i should've known better than to come here," johnny whispered to himself, "now i've got darry worried."

"of course i'm gonna be worried about you johnny, you came 'ere all cut up. i'm always worried about you, doesn't matter what you do man." darry spoke softly as he sat in front of johnny, getting the things he needed from the kit.

"sorry dar, i didn't see you there..." johnny's soft voice made itself present, breaking darry's heart.

"it's okay johnny, look up for me will ya?" darrel got some alcohol on a cotton ball and began to dab the cuts on johnny's face with it. the younger hissed in pain, but did no more than that.

"i'm sorry johnny, i know it hurts. just hang in there it'll be done in a second." darry spoke in a soothing voice as he tried to calm the younger.

after a few more minutes, darry had all johnny's smaller cuts cleaned and put bandages on them all.

then he moved onto the big one on the younger's stomach.

"i'm gonna need you to take your shirt off kiddo," darry said as he got a few bigger bandages out of the kit.

"yeah sure," johnny grabbed the hem of his shirt and tugged it over his head, placing it beside him before dropping his arms on his side. 

darry got some more alcohol on a cotton ball and began to clean that gash up as well.

"this one looks a lot worse eh?" the older questioned, grabbing johnny's hands when he went to move them towards the cut. he held his hands there.

"yeah, he got me with a pop bottle, nothin' too bad."

"you're lucky it's not that deep, it could've been a lot worse than it is."

"i know," johnny sighed as darrel bandaged his last cut, placing a small kiss on to of it, making both johnny, and darry blush.

"you looking for a place to stay tonight?" darry asked as he stood up and out the contents of the first aid kit back.

"yeah, if it's not a problem," johnny rushed to say.

"not a problem at all," the older male walked to the bathroom, placing the kit back under the sink, and walking back to the living room.

darry sat back down in his arm chair and picked up the news paper. johnny sat on the couch but soon started to drift off to sleep.

darry noticed this and shook the younger's shoulder slightly, "johnny," he whispered, "do you want to sleep in my room with me? it's more comfortable than the couch and soda's old room is a mess right now."

johnny opened his eyes slowly and nodded, "i guess it couldn't hurt. as long as it's okay with you."

darrel nodded and stood up, "i wouldn't have offered if i wasn't okay with it." johnny smiled and stood up as well, following darry to his room.

when they got there, darry took off his belt, socks, and jeans, hopping into the bed right after.

johnny stood there awkwardly for a moment before taking off his jacket and climbing into bed beside the older.

"are you gonna sleep in your jeans?" darry questioned.

"uh yeah i just don't wanna make you uncomfortable." darry sighed and sat up.

"kid, i wouldn't have offered for you to sleep in here with me if i didn't want you to be comfortable. do whatever makes you comfortable and stop worrying about me for a second." johnny looked at darry, his eyes shining as he looked up at the older.

"alright," johnny got out of the bed again and slipped out of his jeans, making his way back to the bed. darry lifted the covers up, letting johnny slip underneath.

"thank you," johnny mumbled. just then, he felt darry's strong arm wrap around him, pulling him closer to his warm body.

darry nuzzled johnny's neck with his nose as he began to talk, "night johnnycakes."

"night darry, thank you for letting me stay here tonight."

"anytime kid," darry spoke in a sleepy voice, "anytime..."

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