Frist Hello (Jally)

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He had a shake in his voice the first time I talked to him. He was a shy kid, looked about 9 or 10. I soon came to find out he was 12. He was about 5'3 with longish dark-brown hair, tan skin, and dark brown eyes. He wore a large Jean jacket, some dark blue jeans, red t-shirt, and black and white sneakers.

I was 13 at the time, young and stupid. Not knowing how much he was in danger at the time.

The day I met him, everyone had just gotten out of school. I was walking back home from school when I decided to take a short cut though the lot.

I went to sit down on the old car seat when I noticed a small boy laying on it. He was... shaking-?

I quietly walked over to the kid, careful not to scare him too bad. I tapped him on the shoulder and he shot up like a rocket.

"Hello?" He looked up at me, panicked. His eyes were wide and he was shaking worse than before. I put a hand on his shoulder and tried to calm him down. "Kid you're alright. I just saw you laying here shaking and I wanted to make sure you were okay." I smiled at him so I would seem as intimidating.

He nodded and his voice became unsteady, "yeah I'm okay. My parents were fighting again, that's all." I nodded and began to talk again, "I'm Dallas Winston," I say, holding my hand out for him to shake. "But you can call me Dally or Dal." He smiled and shook my hand, "I'm Johnny Cade," he whispered.

"Johnny Cake, cute name." He looked down and then back up, keeping eye contact with me for less than a few seconds.

"Oh, no. I said Johnny CADE."

"Oh yeah kid I heard ya, But I liked Johnny Cake better. I think it's gonna stick." He gave a small nod and sighed, "alright Dal, I guess that works."

•part 2 maybe...? I don't know. Did y'all like this? I wrote it at 2 in the morning so I'm sorry if it's bad. Let me know if you want a part 2•

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