21 Questions With Two-Bit, Steve, Sodapop, and Dallas (not an x reader)

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A/n: so happy to say that this story was made with such an amazing writer EzzyRat such a great person and I'm so glad to have worked with them! Go check out their other stories! Enjoy<3


"C'mon guys let's get something to drink," Two-Bit said walking into the kitchen.

"Two! We don't have any beer man!" Sodapop shouted from the living room.

Two-Bit rolled his eyes and grabbed every liquid from the kitchen, and a large cup, bringing it back with him to the living room.

"...What are ya doin' Two?" Soda asked. He turned towards Steve seeing if he had any ideas. Steve shrugged and looked back at what Two-Bit was doing.

"Let's play a game of 21 questions," he looked at the younger three. "New rules though; we make a nasty drink and sit it in the middle of us, we go around asking each other the most embarrassing questions ever. If you don't answer the question within 30 seconds, or answer at all for that matter, you have to take a sip of the drink in the middle."

Dallas scrunched up his nose a bit, it sounded disgusting. Dallas then looked at Steve and Soda who looked down to play, then back at Two-Bit. He has already started mixing the drink.

He took the cup and filled it half-way with water. Then he went on to add mustard, mayo, sprite, Pepsi, hot sauce, and ketchup into it. A few other things were added along the way as well. He then mixed it up with a straw.

"There," he spoke, sitting it on the coffee table in the middle of the four. "Let's get started"

The four started taking turns asking questions.

"Alright... Dallas!" Steve started, "what's going on with you and Johnny? Are y'all a thing?" Dallas' face heated up. This was one thing he didn't wanna talk about. He picked up the drink from the middle and took a sip. He gagged but they went on with the game.

Dallas looked around and thought about who and what he should ask.

"Two-Bit. If you had to put a label your sexuality, what would it be?"

"Oh umm... pansexual..? Maybe bi. At this point Dal, I don't know." Dallas nodded and waited for Two-Bit to pick his next victim.

"Steve, since you had to embarrass Dally like that, why don't you tell us what's going on with you and Sodapop?" He smirked and cocked an eyebrow at them. He knew they were up to something. Something that involved the two males in a relationship with each other.

Soda hung his head down in embarrassment, his face turned a deep shade of red. He refused to look anyone in the eye. Him and Steve have been together for a while and the gang was always onto something about them. Soda had so many questions running through his head: Is it time to tell them? Is Steve gonna tell the truth?

Steve's face heated up as well. He was silent until he had made the decision to tell the others the truth quickly. He did not want to drink that disgusting beverage.

Steve sucked up his pride and nodded. "Well..." he sighed. "We're a thing. We have been for a while." His voice was quiet but, the others could still hear what he had said.

Two-Bit was sent through a burst of excitement, his hands joined together in a single clap. "Yes! I knew it! I knew it! I told you!" He pointed at Dallas and grinned. "You owe me 5 bucks, sir!" He opened his hand out, waiting for the money. Hearing this, Soda lifted his head up in surprise.

Dallas groaned, his eyebrows were furrowed in frustration. "Seriously? I really don't like losing bets, man." He proceeded to reach into his jeans pocket and pull out a 5 dollar bill anyways. He reached over and handed it to the redhead, who swiped it immediately with a cheesy grin on his face.

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