airplane (jally)

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i'm writing this on an airplane

third pov

johnny and dally walked up to their gate. they handed the person at the desk their tickets and passports.

"great, you'll both be in row 32! you can make your way through that hallway and up the stairs to the doors," the lady at the desk said, pointing down a hallway that was painted a beige colour.

"alright thanks," dallas spoke gruffly as he grabbed johnny's hand and walked passed the desk.

"that was easy," the younger commented.

"yeah it was. thank god, with all the trouble we've been through trying to get our suitcases weighed and checked in." dallas rolled his eyes and began walking up the stairs, letting go of his boyfriends hand.

"well it's over now dal," johnny sighed and placed a hand on the blond's lower back, watching him make his way up the stairs.

the couple talked to almost the back of the plane and took their seats which were right next to each other. johnny in the isle seat, and dallas by the window.

"do you like planes johnny?" the older questioned.

"mmm... not really. i haven't been on one since i was six so i don't remember it too well. i do k ow that it scares me so i might be a bit spooky when we take off and land." johnny explained his predicament.

"ah that makes sense," dallas smiled to the puppy-eyed boy and grabbed his hand.

the two listened to the flight attendants talk about the exits of the plane, how to pull an oxygen mask on, and how to inflate the life vests, if needed. johnny didn't like listening to all the 'what if's' but thoughed it out anyways.

the plane began to roar to life and johnny squeezed dallas' hand as they started moving, "shhhh," the blond shushed the younger, "it'll be okay. it'll be just fine johnnycakes. i've been on planes plenty of times. we'll be okay." johnny smiled at his boyfriend and nodded. dallas then shut his window so his scared boyfriend didn't need to see the ground below them.

dallas wrapped his arm around johnny's shoulders and held him close as the plane took off down the track and lifted itself from the ground. johnny sighed in relief as the felt the plane become stable.

"see?" dallas spoke soothingly, "we're okay. we're going to be just fine." the younger nodded and leaned his head on dallas shoulder, falling asleep shortly after.

the blonde kissed johnny's hair and smiled down at him. you're gorgeous dallas though. so, so gorgeous.

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