what have i done? (jallyish?)

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warning: S A D

third pov

johnny walked down the road at 1:34am. why was he out this early you may ask? johnny didn't know. he was looking for his best friend, ponyboy. but when he couldn't find him, went on the hunt for his boyfriend, dallas.

johnny walked up the steps of buck's bar and knocked on the door. he's been around so often in the last few months that buck told him he didn't have to knock anymore, but johnny didn't care. he knocked anyways.

"hey kid..." buck trailed off and glanced at the stairs and then back at johnny, "you sure you wanna be here tonight? there's some pretty bad stuff goin' on."

"yeah i'm sure, i wanna see dallas. you know i don't stay down here long anyways." johnny stepped into the bar and slightly smiled at buck.

"alright kid, i'll be here if you need anything. he's in room 7."

"thanks," johnny thanked the older man and made his way up the stairs and too his boyfriend's room.

johnny didn't bother to knock walking into dallas' room. he basically lived here with dallas half of the time.

johnny twisted the door knob and pushed it opened with his shoulder. he used a bit of extra force because the doors above the bar were sticky.

"hey dally!" johnny sang as he walked through the door. stopping when he saw the sight that lay in front of him.

there on the bed, we're dallas and ponyboy heavily making out. the pair hadn't noticed johnny walk in until a sob erupted from johnny's throat.

"j-johnny!" dallas cried, pushing the younger blonde off of him, "i didn't know you were coming over honey." dallas stood up and made his way over to his boyfriend.

"why in the hell should that matter dallas?! if you knew i was god knows you wouldn't be pulling this shit! and ponyboy, i thought you were my best friend!" that stung ponyboy in words he couldn't explain, but he had no right to be hurt in this moment.

"i'm sorry," the gray-eyes boy mumbled.

"get out please," johnny pleaded quietly.

"can we talk about th-"

"i said get out ponyboy! get out of here i don't want to look at your face right now!" johnny snapped at his younger friend.

ponyboy looked at him, wide eyed. he nodded and made his way towards the closest to grab his coat, "i'm sorry johnny," ponyboy mumbled looking at johnny with sad eyes.

"shut up. i'll talk to you about this when i please, but just out." johnny glared at the younger as he left the room.

as the door shut, johnny turned around, "you," he jabbed a finger into dallas' chest as he talked, "i should've expected this." he rolled his eyes.

"joh-" dallas started but was cut off.

"oh yeah, dallas the 'broad killer'," johnny mimicked in the high pitched voice, "i should've known better than to date a guy who has slept with half of the town already and was well on his way to being three fourths." johnny was scaring dallas quite a bit, but deep down he knew he deserved it.

"johnny i want to explain! please," dallas pleaded.

"are you drunk?" the ravenette questioned his boyfriend.

"what?" dallas was taken aback by the suddenly question.

"have you been drinking, dallas?" johnny stated in a smart tone. he didn't think the question was too hard to answer.

"no i wasn't drinking, i swear."

johnny scoffed and rolled his eyes, "you know what dallas? for once, i wish you were drunk. because then this could all be a big mistake and you thought ponyboy was song sleazy broad or me maybe. maybe you would've thought he was me."

"i love you johnny, i really do. but i haven't gotten to sleep with you for the last two months. you're never around when i want you here and you show up when i don't." dallas knew in his gut that he was in the wrong here. but he wanted to pin it on johnny and make it all go away.

"you're so rough, dallas. anything we ever do is never loving. im always being grabbed as if i was a doll. the least you do is ask for consent." johnny sat down on the bed and sighed, "i really love you dallas. i'd give you a second chance but this has happened to so many people bad it never goes over well."

dallas' breath caught in his throat, "johnny please...." he finally squeaked out. he grabbed the younger boys hand and kissed the back of it, "please..."

"i'll see ya around dallas," johnny stood up and opened the room door, walking out. there he saw ponyboy standing in the hallway.

"look johnny-" but he was cut off.

"c'mon," johnny bugged his head to the side and stared walking down the stairs, pony following after him.

the two walked out on to the front porch of the bar, "got a cigarette pone?" johnny asked the younger boy.

"yeah here," pony said slightly confused, handing him the weed and his lighter.

"thanks," johnny mumbled, lighting it up. "i'm not mad pony." the dark-eyes boy spoke after a few puffs on his cigarette.

"no you have every right to be mad." pony tried to argue.

"but i'm not, that's the thing. anyone else would've cut you out of their life by now. but not me. you're my best friend and although dally isn't getting a second chance, you are." johnny looked over at the blonde boy and smiled.

"thank you johnnycakes, you have no idea how much this means to me."

"anytime pony, i've gotta go." johnny put out his weed and stalked off. pony just waved and watch his friend leave, before doing that same.


dallas sat with his back to the wall, the window was opened above the porch and he had just heard johnny and pony's while conversation. why was ponyboy getting a second chance but he wasn't?

that's when it hit dallas.

he was johnny's best friend before they had gotten together. he would have had the second chance if he had been the friend and not the boyfriend. that broke him more than anything. he would have always given johnny a second chance because the dark-eyed boy was still his best friend.

"what have i done?" dallas whispered to himself. "what have i done?"

so anyways i hung out with the greasy teenage boy who looks like he eats cigarettes, (his words not mine) from my twin last night and we found some lit spider-man glasses.

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