me talking cause i feel bad for not getting requests done

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okay so i have a lot of requests to get done and i'm on the verge of crying right now. there are like so many and it's almost the end of the school year so that's stressing me out a whole lot. i've been at the hospital a whole lot and that takes up a lot of time because i would've written in that time but i have to talk to people. i have grad later tonight so i can't post tonight.

so- i was wondering if i could pass any requests on to some of you guys? i can post them here, tag you and everything. you'll get full credit for your work and you can post it on your page since you wrote it. 

i know that might be too much to ask for but it's really just because i have a few that are not even started yet and they need to be done because some of the requests were from months and months ago and i just haven't had the time or brain power to finish them. 

i know i've been posting other stuff but those were ideas that came to me that i wanted to write. some people who have requested things haven't even gotten back to me about what they wanted so i might delete those drafts so i can work on the other stuff. 

just comment on this and i can dm you if you want or you can just dm me on wattpad or my Instagram (emilissimp is the user and the name there should be rick. my pfp is matt dillon in a pink shirt, you'll find it) which i check more than my wattpad dms because they never come through on time here. 

also i didn't proof read this but i think you know what i'm saying. 

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