saturday (johnnyboy)

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modern au


i was laying next to my best friend. the sound of the fan buzzing beside the bookshelf and frat mouse playing softly in the background. the sun was peering through the curtains, illuminating the room perfectly.

i looked over at ponyboy and smiled softly. i moved closer to him and lay  my head on his chest. he ran his finger through my hair and hummed softly. god, i had the biggest crush on this kid.

he was scrolling through his phone and looked down at me to give me a smile ever few minutes. i never took my eyes away from him.

after about an hour of this going on, he sighed and put his phone on his beside table. he looked down at me and gave me a sad smile. pony pulled me closer to him and nuzzled his face into my neck.

"johnny..." ponyboy looked up at me. he looked terrified! i don't know why he was so scared.

"hey pony, what's wrong?"


"hey pony, what's wrong?" johnny's soft voice drifted through the room and he looked down at his crush worriedly.

ponyboy let out a shaky breath, "i have to tell you something johnny," the younger looked away, "but you can't hate me alright?"

johnny furrowed his eyebrows, "i would never hate you ponyboy. what's wrong?" pony reached his hand to pony's face and stroked his jawline, "what's going on pony?"

the blonde moved johnny's hand away and pushed johnny off of him softly. he stood up, scratched his head and sat down on the edge of his own bed again. johnny crawled over to sit beside his younger friend.

"johnny i know that not a lot of people accept this but you seem like you would, so i'm going to tell you. if you don't like it then that's okay. just tell me and we don't have to talk anymore," pony looked down and played with his hands.

"like i said, i could never hate you ponyboy. what is it?" johnny put his hand on the younger's shoulder and rubbed it a bit.

"johnny i'm.. i'm gay. i like boys and i'm sorry if you think that's weird i understand just tell me if you don't wanna talk to me and don't just leave without saying it please," ponyboy was rambling on and on about he didn't want johnny to leave without telling him. but johnny was thinking the exact opposite.

the ravenette took his hand off of ponyboy's shoulder and turned back to the younger, "pony i could never hate you for that. you're my best friend it doesn't matter what kind of people you date. love is love man i don't care. and why would i be mad, if i like boys too? ya dig?" pony was shocked but nodded none the less.

"johnny that's not all i wanted to tell you..." the younger looked back down at his hands and fiddled with them a bit.

"we'll go on," johnny smiled and put his hand on pony's knees to show that i was okay to talk to him.

"johnny i really like you. like more than a best friend i think i'm in love with you." johnny was loosing his mind. this has to be the happiest day of his life!

johnny smiled and got closer to pony's face, "i love you too ponyboy," he placed his lips onto the other lips and kissed with as much love as both of them had, without taking things too far.

when they pulled away, both pony and johnny were smiling messes.

"god that was amazing!" pony cried out and threw his arms around the older boy.

"sure was..." johnny smiled and lay down on the bed, pulling ponyboy on top of him.

ponyboy relaxed into his touch and smiled down at him, "johnny will you be my boyfriend?"

the brown-eyes boy smiled and nodded, "of course pony. i love you so much," he smiled and gave the younger a short kiss.

"i love you too johnnycakes."

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