what does it mean to be human? (group chat)

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johnny.cake: can i ask y'all a weird question?

horse_man: yeah

dally._.boi: sure

johnny.cake: What do you all think it means to be human

horse_man: hm

dally._.boi: nothing.
i'd rather be dead anyways.
or a bird.

johnny.cake: well what about you pony?

horse_man: to be human it means u have infinite potential. we all have this potential although many of us are unaware of it

dally._.boi: bro
we're all just gonna end up dead

horse_man: dally stfu I'm being philosophical

dally._.boi: well i'm being honest

johnny.cake: Well some philosophers say death isn't really the end

mickeylover: i don't think it is

dally._.boi: no we're all going to hell to party with lil nas

horse_man: youre looking for what it means to be a human and not for a definition of the word human, which can be defined as self conscious, language using, primates from the planet earth the species and genus being homo sapiens.

mickeylover: i watched tons of documentaries on near death experiences and it so interesting how everyone says really similar things

johnny.cake: mhm

mickeylover: my grandma died for a couple minutes and thought she met god lol
like 80% of people say they have met beings who told them it's not their time
and they lose perception of time
and feel comfortable and at peace

johnny.cake: hm

mickeylover: but at the same time there's also dmt
and there was this one guy who tripped on dmt for a little white and came back after thinking he had a whole other family for 12 years
dmt (yk the chemical your brain releases when you die)

johnny.cake: DMT is also interesting

mickeylover: so it could be the dmt so you really won't know until you actually die
it really is
i love talking about it
my dad is obsessed too LMAO

johnny.cake: It also gets released somewhat when we dream

mickeylover: yeah and when you're born i think

johnny.cake: So then maybe the afterlife and when we die can technically be anything we dream of
You could start anew or live in a palace in the sky

mickeylover: mhm

darry.C: mind if i say what i think?

dally._.boi: sure

mickeylover: the meaning of life is robert pattinson

darry.C: What it means to be human depends on whatever or whoever you are, if you're twobit then I guess it means nothing, if you're dally its rob lowe porn, and if you're anyone else, its whatever you define who yourself will be

dally._.boi: S T O P

darry.C: Its individuality

horse_man: HAHA
dally this is what you're known for

darry.C: And also dally's weird porn

horse_man: my meaning is the marvel cast

johnny.cake: why am i not surprised?

darry.C: So if I asked you what defined me then what would you say

dally._.boi: the war
the had damn war

mickeylover: WAR? LMAO

dally._.boi: if you know you know

horse_man: w-

darry.C: what war?

dally._.boi: all of them
if you're gonna bring my porn into this
i'm gonna bring your weird war facts in

darry.C: Yea you're gonna have to be more specific

horse_man: what war
t h e w a r

darry.C: Well if you're putting it into a microwave and then into a freezer and afterwards thinking of it

mickeylover: what if being human is ascending ur soul or soemthing to be a higher being idk
idfk man

johnny.cake: yeah maybe
i mean you're not wrong.

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