"yeah i dig.." (dal x soda)

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third pov

Dallas and Sodapop were making out on the living room couch. no one was home besides the two.

see, the blonde couple had to be extremely careful with who knew about them. Ponyboy was quite keen on no one from the gang dating any of his brothers, that went for Darry as well.

the make-out session started to get heated as the door was thrown opened, revealing an angry looking Ponyboy.

the youngest of the tree didn't notice the two at first, until he looked over and saw Sodapop trying to get off his boyfriend as fast as he could, while Dallas kept trying to pull him back down.

Ponyboy noticed this and a look of anger flashed over his face, then his eyes went soft again. he sighed and walked off to his room.

the two blondes were very much confused on what had just happened. Pony had always been very clear that he didn't want his brothers dating the gang, for fear of splitting it up.

Sodapop walked to his and Pony's room, knocking on the door, waiting to be let in.

"come in.." Soda heard pony grumble from the other side of the door.

"look pone, i'm real sorry. i know you don't want Darry an i datin' the gang but we really can't help it at this point.." Soda trailed off at the end, looking down at Pony with sorry eyes.

"'s okay Soda, it's not a big deal. I already know about Darry and Two-Bit anyways. about the same thing happened with you and Dally."

"yeah i know, Darry told me. we're really sorry Pone.."

"it's fine Soda. say, if i tell you somethin', promise not to tell no one else? not even Steve or Dally?"

"sure Pony, what's up?" Soda sat down on the bed after standing in front of the closed door for most of their conversation.

"Johnny an i... well, you know.. i really like him, and he likes me too. i didn't wanna tell anyone cause of what i said to you an Darry. you dig?"

"yeah i dig.." Sodapop smiled at his little brother, "you should go for it! wouldn't hurt at this point!"


"yeah. but you gotta let Dal and i be together, same with Darry and Two. deal?"

"deal." the two brother smile at each other before the door opened suddenly.

"Pony, out. I was here first and i was just about to get in your brothers pants. i suggest you leave unless you wanna know how Soda sounds while i'm getting it from behind." Dallas smirked at the younger, knowing Pony would leave after that.

"...right Dal, i'll be on my way. don't get anything on the bed. and if you do, clean it up cause i gotta sleep there tonight."

"sure thing kid, now get going."

Pony ran out the door in a hurry, he didn't wanna stick around to hear anything he didn't need to.

after the two heard the door shut, Dallas jumped on the bed and crawled over to his lover. he lay down on top of him and wrapped his arms around the younger boys neck.

"i thought you said you wanted to get some..." Soda whispered in Dally's ear.

Dallas kissed his neck softly and nuzzled his forehead into his shoulder, "nah, we can do that later. i just want to cud- i mean, i just want to hang out with you right now."

Sodapop gasped sarcastically, "was THE Dallas Winstion about to say cuddle?"

"no no, stupid. i was not!" the two laughed at each other. giving the other a short kiss every once in a while.

Dallas waited until Soda fell asleep, to get off of him and lay beside him, wrapping Soda's arms around himself.

Soda sighed and giggled a bit, giving Dallas a kiss on top of his head. he held Dallas tighter until they both drifted off to sleep.


sorry this was short. i've been trying to get stuff out and i'm really backed up on requests right now, hopefully i can get more out soon. -Rae

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