gentle (stevepop)

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okay i'm just gonna jump right into it because why not.
warning: smut

third pov

steve lightly kissed down sodapop's neck as he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. the blonde let out quiet and breathy moans as his boyfriend did so.

"steve- oh my god," sodapop moaned out as he felt the older males hand on his dick. the brunet stroked the blonde through his boxers as he lead his boyfriend over and onto the hotel bed.

steve climbed on top of soda as they both moved their bodies farther up in the bed. sodapop grabbed the hem of steve's shirt and pulled it up and over his head. steve doing the same a few seconds after his own shirt was thrown to the floor.

"you're beautiful soda," steve whispered into the younger's ear before slipping his boyfriends jeans off and leaving a simple kiss on his neck.

"you're handsome steve," sodapop responded, helping remove steve's jeans and underwear. the two giggled at each other, only stopping when they saw the sight of each other's naked bodies.

"damn soda, i think just seeing you does things to me. i love you so much." steve said softly, scanning sodapop's body, taking in every sight.

"i love you too," sodapop whispered and smiled at his boyfriend. he placed his lips on the older boy and kissed him softly, moving his hand south.

"a-ah~" steve's breath hitched has he felt sodapop's hand wrap itself around his shaft, stroking it slowly.

"lay down steve," sodapop requested, removing his hand from his boyfriend.

steve shifted so he was laying down under sodapop. the blonde crawled into of his boyfriend and sat so steve's dick was just inches away from his entrance.

"are you sure you're ready fir this soda?" steve questioned as he placed his hands on the blonde's hips.

"i think so," the blonde let out a breath and grabbed steve's dick, guiding it to his hole and placing the top at his entrance.

the blonde slowly lowered his hips, feeling steve enter him. the two groaned, one is pain, the other in pleasure.

"oh god soda, take your time babe," steve rubbed his hands up and down sodapop's sides and thighs as he let the boy on top of him adjust. the younger nodded and sat still for a few minutes.

after a few minutes, sodapop placed his hands on steve's chest and moved his hips back and fourth.

"a-ah- steve!" soda's voice crack as he felt steve's dick grind into his prostate.

"god soda, you feel so good honey!" steve threw his head back and moaned.

"yeah?" the blonde asked in a whiney voice, starting to bounce up and down.

"oh god yes, i love you soda," steve pulled the blonde's head down and gave him a passionate kiss.

sodapop rested his hands on steve's chest as he bounced faster and pulled away from the kiss, "i love you too steve.... god," he threw his head back and squeezed his eyes shut, "i think i'm gonna cum."

steve let out a broken moan and rubbed sodapop's thighs, "oh me too-" the brunette pulled sodapop's hips down and released inside of him. the blonde gasped as he came o to his and steve's chest and stomach.

the two sat there in the sam position until steve picked soda up by his hips and placed him beside his boyfriend. sodapop felt some of steve's cum flow out of him as he lay the younger down.

steve then got up and walked down the hall to get each of them a glass of water. when he came back, sodapop was asleep on the bed, wrapped up in steve's t-shirt.

steve stifled a chuckle and placed both glasses of water on the bedside table before climbing in behind his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around the sleeping boy.

steve kissed the blonde's hair, "i love you sodapop."

i'm finally done with requests so don't send anymore please. this is so stressful but anyways i've got a girlfriend now<3

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