Cherry x Marcia (Charcia) as a convo i just had/ my opinions on cherry

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Marcia: is it okay if we don't call tonight? i just need some time to process right now, im sorry.

Cherry: no it's fine. We never need to FaceTime if you don't want to.

Marcia: okay, thank you.

Cherry: anytime
Cherry: I love you

Marcia: I love you too

~an hour later~

Cherry: Hey I love you and I thought you should know that after getting stabbed in the boob

Marcia: thank you, I'm glad you told me after I got stabbed in the boob.
Marcia: I love you

Opinion time

Look, I didn't like Cherry while I was reading the book. I also didn't like her when I watched the movie for the first time. (And the second, third, forth, fifth, and sixth time.) but after awhile I hated her less and less.

(She's a made up character so I'm not gonna really go at her.)

She was pretty cool at the drive in scene, and after that I guess she got a lil messed.

But she loved her boyfriend, even if he treated her badly at times.

Johnny did kill her boyfriend, who she loved. But she could have gone to see Johnny in the hospital. Although, she does not owe Johnny anything. She was doing something nice for him by telling whoever it was she had to tell, that Bob was drunk.

Now, since she was doing that, it would've been a nice thing to go see Johnny. I won't lie, I was mad that she wouldn't go see him because Johnny killed Bob out of self defence- but, he did kill her boyfriend and it must be hard on her, no matter how rough their relationship was.

That's all for now, thank you.

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