after care (tally)

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tim x dally haven't done a tally one-shot in awhile eh? 



tim pulled out of dallas, panting. the blonde was laying on the bed with his eyes shut tight as he felt the older man get up from the bed and walk to the bathroom to grab a towel. 

"oh baby that was really good, dally.." tim used the towel to clan up himself and his younger boyfriend. 

"heh, yeah it was," dallas sighed and sat up slowly. he looked into tim's eyes and smiled, "i love you tim." 

tim smiled, "i love you too..." 

they couple lay in the bed cuddled up to each other for a good five minutes before tim broke the silence, "you want something to drink, babe?"

dallas looked up at the older male and smiled, "yeah that would be nice please and thank you," dallas buried his face back into tim's chest before time started to talk again. 

"well, you're gonna have to get off of me and tell me what you want to drink," dallas whined and wrapped his arms around tim's torso and squished his face more into his boyfriend's chest. 

tim chuckled, "c'mon dally," he said in a playful voice, "you want.... apple juice?" dallas shook his head. 

"how about.... coffee?" dallas giggled but shook his head yet again. tim rubbed his chin in thought, "how does chocolate milk sound?" 

 dallas' head perked up and he smiled and nodded happily, "i want some chocolate milk please!" 

the older smiled and nodded down at the younger, "chocolate milk it is then."

tim finally got dallas off of him and stood up, pulling on his boxers and walking out to the kitchen to grab chocolate milk for his clingy boyfriend. 

most people wouldn't see dallas as the clingy type. but with tim, he was everything you didn't know he could be. 

when tim came back, dallas was sprawled out on tim's bed, naked. the older man laughed lightly and walked over to his boyfriend. he grabbed a blanket and threw it over the you younger before handing him his drink, "thanks tim." dallas sat up and took the drink, chugging it down within seconds. 

the dark-haired hood laughed again and took the cup from the blonde and placed it on the bedside table. he then got back into ed and pulled dallas close to his body, "i love you so much dallas. you're so perfect and mean the world to me."

dallas smiled and got closer to tim and sighed, "i love you too tim. you make my life worth living. now, lets get some sleep."

"ahaha... okay baby, good night..."

good night.." and with that, the couple s breathing became even as they both drifted off to sleep. 


i'm sorry this was short but i'm trying to get a lot done before mondayyyyyyyyyyyyy -rick

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