"I do." (Darlas)

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request for SuperSammyO1999
i love this concept so much omg!!!

warning: angst??

also new ages:

dallas: 22
darry: 25


third pov

five years. five years of being with the one and only hood, Dallas Winston.

Darry sat in the living room with a beer in hand. he knew five years ago that he wouldn't go through this relationship without being hurt. it wasn't the first time he was hurt in this relationship.

never physically, but him and Dallas were almost always fighting. each of them wanted to have control and keep the other in check.

i guess that's what made them perfect for each other.

Darry watched the front door, waiting for it to swing over. he had called his boyfriend to come over and talk to him about what's been going on.

Darry has been suspecting that dallas has been cheating on him. he's been really distant and they've been sleeping together less and less. Dallas rarely stays the night and every time he does, he's gone by the time Darry wakes up.

suddenly, the door swung opened to see a beaten up Dallas Winston.

"Dally! what the hell happened to you?!" Darry placed his beer down and stood up, rushing over to his younger boyfriend.

"nothin.. i just had a fight with Tim. don't worry about it." Darry started to inspect his bruises, cuts and scraps that littered his body.

"take the jacket off Dal."

"i said i was fine!"

"now, Dallas." Dally lowered his head and nodded, slipping off his jacket and placed it or Darry's chair.

Darry started to patch Dallas' injury's up and sighed.

"Dally, do you know why i asked you to come over tonight?" Dallas looked up at his boyfriend and shook his head.

"Dallas, i want you to tell me the truth okay?" Dallas nodded and winced as Darry poured peroxide over his scrapes on his arm.

"are you cheating on me Dally?" Dallas looked up at Darry shocked.

"No! why would i ever do that baby? no no no, what makes you think that?" Dallas shook his head violently.

"Dallas i know when you're lying to me!" Darry started to raise his voice and he stood up. he walked around the room and began to cry.

he turned back to Dallas, "Dally baby please don't lie to me! you've been so distant! you're rarely ever around! y-you don't look at me the same way and you n-never even touch me anymore! when you stay the night, i always wake up to find you g-gone! Dallas i can't do this anymore! tell me what's going on! please! p-please.."

Dallas was silent. he didn't know what to say. he never meant to make his beautiful boyfriend so upset.

he stood up and walked over to Darry, wrapping his arms around the older mans shaking frame.

"Darry.. Darry i'm not cheating on you."

"then tell me why you're never around! Tell me Dally! tell me!" Darry wiped tears from his eyes and looked into Dallas' cold blue ones. Dallas' eyes started to form tears, but he quickly blinked them away.

"you wanna know? you wanna know so badly? right now?"

"yes Dallas, i would love to know why you've been so distant." he crossed his arms and looked into Dallas' eyes.

"Well guess what Darrel, i've been working. i got a job and i've been working. i've been trying to save up for somethinng and i finally got it. i've been distant cause i basically work all day. when i'm not working, i'm trying to sleep. i don't touch you because i need my energy, that doesn't mean i don't want to. i want to be with you all the time. i leave in the morning cause my shifts start at 6 in the morning sometimes. you don't usually eat up til 7!"

Dallas stood there for a moment catching his breath, then he walked over to where he put his jacket. he looked back at darry and picked his jacket up, and took out a small dark red box.

"look Darry, i really really love you. you have no idea half of the things i've had to do for you. i've been staying out of the cooler for you, i've taken care of Ponyboy and Soda when you went to go find a better job than the one you were working. i've done so much, and now i started working not only to save up for this," he pointed to the box in his hand, "but to also help you pay bills and stuff. i basically live here, i should start helping out."

Darry just watched Dallas the whole time he was talking. he watched every move he made and listened to every word he had to say.

he still felt like Dallas was cheating, but his explanation seemed true enough for him.

then Darry noticed his blonde boyfriend getting down on to one knee in front of him.

"Darry, you're the love of my life. i don't know where i'd be if it wasn't for you. i'd most likely be dead or in jail right now. you've treated me so well and have made me feel things nobody else has. i know i don't say this as much as i need to, but i love you so much. you are the only thing i think about," he opened the red box to reveal a silver ring with a tiny, tiny crystal imbedded in it.

Darry started to shake, tears began to flow out of his eyes as Dallas continued to talk, "i know i'm not always the best to you, but you keep me in check. i can't  see be being with anyone else but you for the rest of my life. Darry, will you do the honours of marrying me and becoming my husband at some point in time?"

Darry was speechless. all he could do was nod.

Dallas smiled and took the ring out of the box and grabbed Darry's left hand, slipping the ring onto his ring finger.

Dallas stood up, still holding Darry's hand. "can i kiss you Dare?"

Darry nodded and began leaning in. their lips connected. it was a sweet passionate kiss with no tongue or roughness.

the two pulled away and embraced each other. 

"i don't have work tomorrow, i was thinking you could take the day off tomorrow and we could do something together," Dallas spoke softly, brushing some of Darry's whispys from his face.

"i'd like that," Darry smiled, "it's getting late, do you want to go to bed?"

Dallas nodded and started walking to Darry's room, the older male following shortly after.

"Darry," dallas lay down on his now fiancé's bed, "i'm sorry."

Darry looked down at the blonde and shook his head, "i should be the one saying sorry. i shouldn't have accused you of cheating on me. i should have talked to you when i first started to notice things. i'm sorry."

"it's okay Dare, just come lay down," Dallas stretched his arms out towards the older man.

Darry crawled over to Dallas and let him wrap his arms around his waist. Darry shifted to his head was laying in Dallas' chest.

"i love you Darry.."

"i love you too Dallas. good night.."

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