Loud (Jally)

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Warning: sad???

-third POV-

Johnny covered his ears while moving farther and father back on Dallas' bed. Dallas was upset and it was scaring poor Johnny.


"No Johnny, not now. I'm talking to you!" Johnny only nodded. He wanted to tell Dally how loud he was being and that it was scaring him, but Dallas shut him down each time.

"I just don't get it man! Look, if you need something, you come to me!" Johnny nodded and started to pick at his nails. "You can't just go out walking alone! You should've called me or something!"

Dallas continued to go on about how much he wanted Johnny to call him if he's walking alone. But Johnny knew he was out with Tim, and he didn't want to bother Dallas.

His nails started to bleed a bit.

Johnny started to shake and Dallas finally decided to see if he was alright.

"Johnny?" Dallas spoke in a softer tone, "are you okay?"

"I- I wish you could stop and realize just how loud you're being."

Dallas was at a loss for words. He stood up slowly and looked down a Johnny with sorry eyes. He rubbed his temple and crouched back down to Johnny's level.

He put his hand on Johnny's shoulder, and he flinched away from Dallas.

Dallas removed his hand from Johnny's shoulder and went into the washroom. He grabbed a dixi cup and filled it up with water, walking back out and handing it to Johnny.

Johnny carefully took the cup and drank all the water as a few tears slipped from his eyes. Dallas noticed this and grabbed a few tissues from the nightstand and handed them to Johnny.

"Here," Johnny took the tissues and wiped his eyes, "I'm sorry, Johnny. I didn't know I was scaring you."

Johnny looked up and made eye contact with Dallas, "it's okay." Dallas only nodded.

A few more minutes pass and Dallas decided that he should hold Johnny, just to make him feel better.



"C-can I hold you, Johnny?"

"...are you going to hit me?"

"W-what!?" Johnny flinched. "Oh Johnny, no. No honey I'm not gonna hit you. Come here," Dallas held out his arms for Johnny and Johnny hesitantly crawled into his lap.

Dallas wrapped his arms around the younger boy and stroked his hair softly. He whispered sweet nothings into his ear before he fell asleep.

Dallas picked Johnny up and placed him onto the bed and covered him up. He kissed his forehead before climbing in the bed right next to him.

"I'm sorry for being too loud, Johnny. I love you."

There is somewhat of a reference in this somewhere:)

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