Dont cry, please dont cry (Jally)

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The two boys sat in the front seats of Buck's T-bird. They were parked in an old parking lot, no other cars in sight. The sound of 'heart like yours' played softly through the car.

How could a heart like yours ever love a heart like mine

Johnny's eyes began to get heavy, Dallas lit a cigarette. He sucked the smoke in, and let it back out again. This went on for a few more hours.

-time skip-

Dallas shook Johnny slightly. Dal had driven all the way back home, with Johnny sleeping soundly beside him.

Johnny didn't move, so Dallas picked him up and brought him upstairs.

Laying Johnny down, Dal began to get undressed. He stripped down to his boxers and lay down beside Johnny. He wrapped his arms around the boy, before feeling him jerk awake in his arms.

"Hey Johnny man," Dallas whispered, "you're okay."

Johnny was shaking and Dal felt something wet on his arm. Dal leaned over and clicked on the lamp.

His eyes widened at the sight of Johnny shaking and crying uncontrollably.

"Hey baby," Dal cooed, "what's wrong?"

Johnny looked up and him and smiled softly, "oh nothing sorry. I just got scared when you hugged me."

"Sorry babe, but I know that not all that's wrong. What's going on?"


"Don't lie to me hun. Tell me what's wrong."

"Fine whatever, I had a nightmare. It scared me I'm sorry."

"What was it about?"

"Why does it matter?" Johnny tried to pull out of Dallas' arms. "Dal, let me go please. I need to use the washroom."

"Not until you tell me what it was about!" Dal raised his voice slightly, making Johnny flinch back a bit. "Oh John, I'm sorry. Look, I just want to know what's wrong."

Johnny shifted before letting out a long sigh, "I dreamed that you crashed the car on the way home. I made it, but you didn't..." Johnny wiped a few more tears away.

"Oh baby boy... I'm so sorry Johnny. I'm here though, I'm here." Dallas placed a loving kiss on Johnny's forehead. "I'm here baby boy, don't cry. Please don't cry. I'm okay.."

"Johnny? Johnny! Johnny man!"

Johnny snapped back into reality.

"Yeah..?" He wiped a few tears thinking back to the memory.

"It's time to give your speech. You know he would've wanted you to tell everyone what kind of guy he was. Tuff- yeah, Dal was tuff." Pony went on, wiping a few tears as well.

"Yeah okay, give me a minute."

-time skip-

"... he wasn't a bad guy," Johnny spoke softly at the front of the room. He looked down at the casket that held the one and only Dallas Winston.

"He cared for me, you know? I knew he would die someday. We all did. I knew it would be from a car crash- drunk driving. He made that real for me. God do I miss him. I loved him..."

A/n: I didn't proof read this, so I'm sorry. I don't know I'm sad today so I made it into a story. I don't know.
I hope you are all feeling amazing and have an amazing day! Also thank you for 1k reads and 500 followers on Instagram!!!! (@emiliossimp btw) love you all ❤️❤️❤️

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