Drive-In (Dallyboy)

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Warning: smut

Request from PonyboysCumSock


"hey guys," Ponyboy walked into the living room where almost everyone from the gang was hanging out. "hey Pony, what's goin' on?" Johnny asked quickly.

"Not too much, does anyone want to go to the drive-in with me?" A 'no' is mumbled by everyone in the room, "sorry Pone, I already have plans with Two." Just as Johnny said that, Two-Bit and Dallas walked through the door.

"What's goin' on in here kiddos?" Two-Bit, who was clearly drunk, asked dancing around a bit. Dallas rolled his eyes at the wise-cracker and sat down next to Pony.

"What's going on?" He whispered to Ponyboy.

"Nothing," Pony rolled his eyes, "I wanna go to the drive in but no one will go with me."

"Quit talking about it!" Steve shouted from the kitchen. "Stop being a baby, no one wants to watch your dumb movies."

"Hey! Steve shut it!" Soda called in at him, "he likes different things than us and that's okay!" Steve rolled his eyes and continued to eat his cake.

"I'll go with you," Dallas looked down at Pony and lit a cigarette.

"You will?" Pony questioned the older man. He had never wanted to do anything with just him before.

"Yeah why not?" He shrugged, "one movie ain't gonna kill me."

"But I will if you get him into trouble with the fuzz," Darry looked up at Dallas and gave him a cold glare.

"I won't, I won't," Dallas raised his hands defensively and put out his smoke. "C'mon kid, let me pick up Bucks car and then we can head over."

Pony shrugged and looked over at Darry. he nodded and Pony slid on his shoes before bounding after Dally out the door.

~time skip~

Pony and Dallas were driving down the road in Buck's black t-bird with the windows opened. The wind flowing trough the blondes ungreased hair.

The two pulled into the parking lot and Dallas shut the car off. He handed Pony a few bucks, "go get some popcorn and Pepsi for us, will ya?"

"Sure," Pony replied before getting out of the car and heading towards the canteen.

As Pony walked away, Dallas noticed his eyes drifting a little.. south..

God stop that Dallas he's straight. Hell, you're straight! Dallas shook his head and pulled out his cigarettes, lighting on. He sucked on his cigarette until it was gone.

Just as he went to pull out another one, Pony came back and sat in the passenger seat, "hey, they didn't have Pepsi left so I just got some sprite. Is that cool?"

"Yeah yeah, that's fine." Dallas lit his cigarette and offered Pony one. He gladly took it, lighting it, then taking a long drag.

Pony POV
I looked over at Dallas, he was sucking down his cancer stick really fast. Unusually fast actually.

"Hey Dal, you okay man?" I put my hand on his lower thigh. I looked down and realized what I was doing. My face turned red but I didn't pull my hand away.

He huffed, "Yeah I'm fine kid just watch the movie, Kay?" I nodded and turned back to the movie, sighing, and taking my hand off his leg.

~time skip~

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