are you tired of me yet? (johnnyboy)

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"are you tired of me yet?" johnny asked pony as the younger lit up another cigarette.

"what?" ponyboy looked away from the church window and at his friend.

"are you tired of me yet?" the shyer boy repeated.

"i know what you said, but why would you ask that?" ponyboy scooted closer to his best friend and put an arm around his shoulders.

johnny shrugged, "you've been stuck with me forever a few days now, i figured i ask if you're tired of me." johnny looked down at his hands and sighed.

pony took a drag from his smoke, trying to find the perfect answer.

"i'm not tired of you," the blonde said slowly, "i like hanging out with you. i don't think id ever get tired of ya."

"thanks pone," johnny leaned his head back on pony's shoulder and snuggled closer to him.

"you sleep okay last night?" the gray-eyed male questioned.

"mm, i slept alright. i was a bit cold is all."

"you can sleep closer to me tonight if you'd like, i was cold too." ponyboy suggested. a perfect way to have johnny closer to him.

"yeah sure," johnny shrugged and let a small smile grace his lips, asking pony for a cigarette before lighting it up. "thanks for sticking around, ponyboy."

"anything for you johnnycakes."

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