Dinner and Cuddles (DarryxDally)

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•request for SuperSammyO1999

Third POV

Darry pulled up in front of his house and parked the car. He leaned back in his seat and sighed. He had a long day at work and just wanted to sit back and relax the rest of the day.

He forced himself to get out of the car and walk into the house. As he opened the door he was greeted with the smell of pizza dough and cigarettes, as well as the sound of an Elvis track being played on the record player.

"Hey who's in here?" Darry called as he took off his shoes and hung up his jacket.

He walked into the kitchen to see Dallas, his boyfriend of 3 months, rolling pizza dough out into a circle. He watched for a second, Dallas was dancing to Jailhouse Rock while singing along.

"You should've heard them knocked-out jailbirds sing let's rock, everybody let's rock-"

"Hey Dal..." Dallas looked up and smiled at Darry.

"Hey babe, how was work?"

"Eh, it was fine. Just glad to come home and see you. Say, where's Ponyboy's and Sodapop?"

"Oh they went out. Think they're sleeping over at Steve's house tonight," Darry nodded and sat down at the kitchen table.

"How's that pizza comin' along?"

Dallas raised and eyebrow and laughed, "what, you don't think I can make a pizza?"

Darry gave him a look, "yeah you're right Dare. I guess there is a way you can mess it but. But thankfully I'm only on the rolling stage. I think I'll be alright." Darry nodded and stood up to get a glass of water. "Dare, go get a shower and change out of your work clothes. You've been in them all day. C'mon, it's not everyday I actually get up and do something for you."

"You're right, you're right. I'll be right back."

Darry left to go get a shower and by the time he got back, Dallas was just taking the pizza out of the oven.

Dallas set the pizza down and looked up at Darry, he bit his lip and smiled, "hi handsome," Darry laughed and shook his head. He walked over to the counter and picked up the pizza cutter and handed it to Dallas. "Thanks, how was work?"

"Eh, it's over. I guess."

"Mm.." Dallas hummed and finished cutting Darry's slice and handed it to him, "here ya go babe. Go sit down, I'll be right over." Darry nodded and walked to the table.

Dallas came over a few moments later and sat down with his slice of pizza. Darry picked his up and bit into it, "Shoot!" He spit it out a picked up his water glass downing it in seconds.

Dallas sat there stunned. "Was it that bad Dar? I'm sorry," he chuckled a little.

"No no, it was good. Just really hot, Sorry"

Dallas laughed and he stood up to fill his glass again.

They took part in some small talk as they ate their pizza, once in awhile Dallas would stand up to fill their water glasses, as the pizza hadn't cooled all the way.

"Here let me get that for you Dar," Dallas picked up Darry's plate and walked it over to the sink along with his own.

"Thanks babe, you didn't have to-"
"Yeah well it's done so hush," Dallas looked back at him and flashed a smirk.

"Alright, alright. I'll be right back, gotta use the washroom."

"Alright hun, I'll be here."

When Darry came back, he saw Dallas still drying off a plate. He walked over and wrapped his arms around him. Dallas turned around and gave him a small peck on the cheek.

"C'mon, let me finish this last dish and then we can watch a movie and cuddle or something," he said gesturing towards the plate in the sink.

"Ugh, fine," Darry playfully rolled his eyes and walked over to the couch. He flicked on the TV and a movie, neither of the two knew the name of, came on. Darry then lay down on the couch, leaving enough room for Dallas when he came over.

Dallas came over a few minutes later with a bowl of popcorn. He then lay down on the couch beside Darry.

Darry wasn't doing that 'we're not gonna touch in case someone walks in' type stuff today.

He pulled Dallas on top of him, and flipped him around so Dallas and Darry's noses were almost touching.

"...hey," Dallas smiled and looked into Darry's eyes.

"Hello," Darry gave Dal a kiss before leaning his head back on the arm of the couch.

After a few minutes of Darry not maying much attention to Dallas, he started tickling his side.

"Ah-! Dal! Stop it!" Dallas continued and Darry tried to push the blonde off of him.

They rolled around on the couch for awhile longer as Darry made a fuss and Dallas tickled him.

They finally calmed down and Dallas started to kiss Darry's face all over. He began kissing his neck softly, but it didn't go any father than that.

They both fell asleep quite quickly after that.

~the next morning~

The two were still fast asleep when Sodapop and Ponyboy walked into the house. They both couldn't comprehend the sight before them; Darry fast asleep on the couch with his arms wrapped around a sleeping Dallas Winston, who was laying on top of him with his face nuzzled into Darry's neck. They were both snoring and looked so peaceful and young in this state.

"Awww," Ponyboy jumped up and down a bit pointing at the two. Soda slapped his hand a little bit and told him to quite down so he wouldn't wake the two.

They walked off to their room and changed, then headed out the door again.

They weren't gonna tell anyone what they just saw. Even if it was the cutest thing in the world.

•I'm so sorry it took me this long to get out. I've had school and if you saw my announcement, I wasn't doing too well. I'm doing a bit better now. I hope you enjoyed this, I've been writing it for awhile. Feel free to leave requests on any of these. Stay frosty royal milk tea, (I wanna know who gets it)•

Edit: Also thanks for 500 reads! It means so much, thank you.

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