what i think the gangs gender/pronouns are

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okay so in the book all their pronouns are clearly cisgender and he/him BUT i have a slight feeling that in todays age, that would not be what it isssssss. also this is just my thoughts and i'm not gonna start using these in future stories it's just what i sort of think. (these are all coming for a nonbinary person so any stereotypes or jokes i make about that are just jokes i don't mean it)

two-bit- okay c'mon if this man doesn't give off they/he vibes, i don't know who does. he just gives me that vibe you know? or any pronouns. just wouldn't care what you call him, really. probably identify as demmiboy or nonbinary but i think demmiboy

darry- he/him. i really don't think he'd use different pronouns ngl. very supportive of his friends who aren't cis though 

dallas- he/they? either he/they or he/him but i don't really think dallas is cisgender. i also think he'd identify as demmiboy, you know?

ponyboy- they/them. i'm sorry but what cis person has a name like ponyboy???? that's all i have to say about that. 

sodapop- i said it about pony, and i'll say it about soda. they/them.

steve- he/they but prefers he over they most of the time. or he's just cis. one of the two. 

johnny- they/he i don't know, johnny seems like the type of person who's still very confused with their gender. 

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