Everything and Nothing (Johnnyboy)

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•another story based off of my friend and I•

"C'mon Johnny, let's head up to the old baseball field!"

"Sure.. I guess," Johnny and Ponyboy started up the road towards the field. There was one field on top of a hill, along with an old canteen. The other, was at the bottom of the hill.

Snow covered the parking lot and hills, Johnny and Pony ran through it, laughing in their way up.

They sat for awhile, talking about everything and nothing. From the old friends they had, to why the sky was blue. Everything, and nothing.

Pony got up and started walking around, while Johnny sat back and watched him.

"Hey Johnny look!" Pony was holding up a half broken, blue sled, "I'm gonna go down the hill John, alright?"

"Yeah sure pony, I'll be here man."

Johnny happily watched Pony ride down the hill, coming to a stop at the bottom. Pony giggled and called for Johnny, "c'mon Johnny, you should come down with me."


"Why not?"

"I don't wanna get all snowy and stuff. I'm already cold."

"So am i but I don't care," pony walked over to Johnny looking at him with cute puppy dog eyes.

Johnny held out his arms for a hug, "I'll hug you if you go down the hill with me. You can sit on my lap if you want, so you don't get snowy."

"I'll go down if you give me cuddles when we go home."

"Fine- c'mon!" Ponyboy pulled Johnny up from the ground he was laying on.

"You have to protect me, Pony."

"I will, I will," ponyboy got on the half broken sled, moving back on it a bit. "Sit down Johnny."

"Where? There's no room for me."

"On my lap,"

"I'm too heavy. I way like 150 pounds or something."

"You don't even have a scale, so how do you know that? Sodapop is heavier than you and I carry him around all the time."

"Fine, but you tell me if I hurt you."

"You won't hurt me. Come here," Pony pulled Johnny down onto his lap, "ready to go?"

"I guess-" Johnny was cut off by the sled moving down the hill at a fast pace. The sled spun around towards the bottom of the hill, finally coming to a stop.

Both boys had their boots filled with snow, and where laughing at each other.

"That was amazing!" Johnny exclaimed.

"It sure was," pony took off his shoe and shook some of the snow out. "C'mon Pony, let's head home."

The two got up and started their walk home, laughing the whole way there.

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