"you cheat!" (tally)

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warning: sad 

Dallas was sitting on the couch of his boyfriends living room, watching TV, anything that came on. He hummed softly to himself as he shifted in his seat. He waited for his tall boyfriend of 9 months to come home. Dallas wasn't feeling the best today and all he wanted was to be wrapped in his boyfriends arms.

Tim walked up his front door steps and opened the door. All he wanted today, was to be alone. He stepped into the house and ripped his jacket off then hung it up on the rack. He walking into the living room, noticing his blonde boyfriend in the couch.

"Hey!" Dallas said cheerfully as he noticed Tim step into the room. He got up and walked over to him, placing his hands on the burly greasers shoulders and giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Hey.." he looked down at Dallas and sighed.

"What's wrong babe?" Dallas removed his hands from Tim's shoulders and rested them on his hips.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," Tim gave Dallas a small smile and walked over to the love seat and sat down.

Dallas walked over and sat beside him, leaning his head on the older mans shoulder. He looked up at him and smiled. He expected Tim to wrap his arms around him. But that didn't happen.

"Tim? Baby, are you sure you're okay?" Dallas asked removing his head from his shoulder and making eye contact.

"Yes! Oh my god Dallas I'm fine! Mind your damn business!" Tim raised his voice and stood up from the seat.

Dallas was stunned. What just happened? Did I do something wrong? Dallas thought to himself.

"...Tim?" Dallas' voice came out weak and small.

"What?" He looked down at his boyfriend again.

"What did I do?"

Tim had no words. He knew that Dallas hadn't done anything. Tim knew that he, himself did something.

"Dallas, we need to have a talk." Dallas whimpered slightly but nodded, none the less.

"Please don't hate me after this Dal. Please don't leave or hate me. Please," Tim was pleading, which he never did.

"I won't hate you baby.. I can't have you." Dallas placed his hand on Tim lower thigh, showing he was there for the curly haired greaser.

"Baby, I did something wrong. I didn't mean to. I was drunk and she came on to me. I couldn't say no, but Dal baby, I cheated. I'm so sorry..." the last part of his sentence came out as more of a whisper.

Dallas sat still, he was stunned. His boyfriend of 9 months cheated.

"Dallas baby.. please say something.." Tim begged and looked into Dallas' eyes that were clouded over with tears.

Dallas stood up and looked down the the older man. "You no good cheat! Do you understand everything i've done for you!? I've given up everything! I barely talk to my friends anymore because I'm sitting at home waiting for you to show up! And what are you doing while I wait!? You cheat!" Dallas looked down at his hands and sighed, "what did I do for you to ever cheat?" Dallas whispered to himself.

"Dallas.. please.. just listen to m-"

"NO! TIM NO YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I DO FOR YOU!" he threw his arms in the air and let a tear slip from his eye. he quickly went to go wipe it away as Tim stood up. 

"Dallas, i know everything you've done for me.. i know, and that's what makes it so hard. i don't ever want to be like him and i'm not. i'm going to fix this." 

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