things my family has said as the outsiders characters

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if something happens to my monkey you're gonna wake up with like 100 around the house -darry

sean the monkey doesn't wanna shank anybody -dallas

sugar free milk -ponyboy talking about darry

have you never eaten a scab? -steve

steve: i know that crinkle sound!
sodapop: *pulls out bag of mints* mints?

it was three solid bursts -two-

we're gonna have spaghetti under the stars -darry

i don't like you either, i'm gonna kick you now -dallas 

dear jesus, please stop crying. we don't want your tears -ponyboy and johnny praying at church

stop slurping that! *slurping sounds* -two-bit

god had my side -ponyboy

we'll just shank them and take the swing -dallas

now shaking is okay -johnny

i'm gonna be a rotisserie -steve

i'll sleep when i'm dead -darry

*looks at ponyboy* i don't know where he came from either -darry

*singing* summer if getting attacked by bob -johnny and ponyboy

you pinch old people? -steve talking to two-bit

i am a good mom two-bit, i eat pasta under the stars -darry

well nah no i have too much pressure now -darry

i.... don't have one right now -two-bit

bruh, no -dallas

no -darry

ugh -sodapop when sandy broke up with him

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