your letter you never got to read

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haha losers this will be sad

this is my letter to you that you're never going to read. this is the letter that i wish i wrote the night i fell in the love with you and i wish i could have told you all of this before you went and got yourself killed.
dallas tucker winston, i wish i never fell in love with you. i wish i never laid eyes on you. but i'm glad i did. i love you dallas, and i will forever, even though you're gone.
i know you're not coming back. everyone knows you're not coming back. you're a selfish bastard you know that?
everyone wants to make you out to be this hero but you're not. you were never a hero and you never will be. even i know that. i wish that being in love with you meant i don't see your flaws, but i'm not blind.
you were there for me when i was at my lowest. you were there the night i was writing another important letter. you stopped me and i will forever be in your debt.
i wish you would've stayed with one of us. i wish you called two-bit or something and asked him if you could sleep over rather than try and drive out to a hotel for some space. you were drunk. you were scared of turning into your dad yet, you'd died drunk.
i hate you dallas. i hate tou butni love you and regret not telling you enough. maybe it would've stopped you.


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