darry head cannons

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• is terrified of ponyboy's nightmares
- pony is always yelling for his mom and dad
- sodapop is trying to clam ponyboy down
- it scares darry that he can't help ponyboy

• works a lot more than he has to so he doesn't have to be at home
- he lives the gang but the house reminds him of his parents too much
- his room reminds him of when he was still in high school and was studying to get into a good college

• misses his parents a lot more than he shows
- he doesn't want to seem weak to his brothers so he acts unfazed

• doesn't date because the idea of girls being a round scares him

• he is scared of a lot of things that the gang doesn't know about
- the dark
- losing his friends
- never having the chance to go back to school

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